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The new girl, mortified and offended, entered her protest in plain words. "You are treating me shamefully! You all distrust me, because I am a stranger." "Say we don't understand you," Emily answered, speaking for her schoolfellows; "and you will be nearer the truth." "Who expected you to understand me, when I only came here to-day? I have told you already my name is Francine de Sor.

Time and space submit to him: his old schoolfellows were vainly astonished that he gave no chapters to them and his years at Norwich Grammar School. Thus England seems a great and a strange land on Borrow's page, though he does not touch the sea or the mountains, or any celebrated places except Stonehenge.

Fortunately for the boys themselves, they were made of the good stuff that did not mind nicknames and jests; and when, at the ages of ten and twelve, they were packed off to school in a distant city, they were the very first to tell their schoolfellows Peter's pet names, which, however, never "took root" on the school playground, "Tom" and "Jerry" being far more to the taste of young Canadian football and lacrosse players.

He has opinions, religious, political, and literary, and, for a boy, is very positive in them and sure about them; but he gets them from his schoolfellows, or his masters, or his parents, as the case may be. Such as he is in his other relations, such also is he in his school exercises; his mind is observant, sharp, ready, retentive; he is almost passive in the acquisition of knowledge.

She had evidently been the wit and joy of a large circle of schoolfellows, and this style had become a second nature with her. It made her very delightful to me in that quiet place. Her customary walk even had a sort of hello! in it.

Can anything be more disgusting than the spectacle of a nation reading the biography of Gladstone and gloating over the account of how he was flogged at Eton, two of his schoolfellows being compelled to hold him down whilst he was flogged.

Are you sure that many others of your schoolfellows were not looking upon you and the others with much the same eyes with which you were looking upon them? 'How! said Peter, 'dost thou think that they had divined my secret? 'Not they, said I, 'they were, I daresay, thinking too much of themselves and of their own concerns to have divined any secrets of yours.

He felt no doubt of the kindness of his schoolfellows, and was therefore quite happy on that score. He was very young, and to a certain degree vain; and if this event went to strengthen his vanity, to fill his head with selfish thoughts, it would be a misfortune indeed. The loss of his foot would be the least part of it.

Bultitude's feelings prevented him from making any intelligible reply. The Rubicon "My three schoolfellows, Whom I will trust as I will adders fanged; They bear the mandate." Paul never quite knew how the remainder of that day passed at Crichton House.

And when in answer to this I told her what Joe Punchard had done to Cyrus Vetch, and the terrible things I had heard the alderman threaten against him, she laughed and said I was too tender hearted for a boy, and Joe Punchard would be none the worse for a basting, and a deal more to the same tune, which almost broke through my determination to say nothing of what had caused the mischief; for, after all, Dick Cludde and Cyrus Vetch were my schoolfellows, and, in my day; for one boy to tell on another was the unpardonable sin.