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Updated: August 14, 2024

He was a lanky, saturnine man, with never a laugh in his whole make-up. But he was liked by the men, and Frances knew him to be faithful to the Bar-T interests. "What happened to Ratty's bunch?" he asked, in his sober way. "Did you see them?" cried Frances, leaping down from the saddle. "Saw their dust," said Sam. "They stampeded," Frances said, warmly. "And Mr.

But at the moment I had no such ray of comfort and, full of rage and shame, I dashed the paper down before Mackaye. "How shall I answer him? What shall I say?" The old man read it all through, with a grim saturnine smile. "Hoolie, hoolie, speech, is o' silver silence is o' gold says Thomas Carlyle, anent this an' ither matters. Wha'd be fashed wi' sic blethers?

"Even he may sleep sometimes," he said. "And the balustrade has hidden me." To see this little saturnine bandit, who generally stalked about haughtily, as if the whole Casa belonged to him by right of fidelity, crawl into my room like this was inexpressibly startling. He shook the folds of his cloak, and dropped his hat on the floor. "Still, it is better so.

It is certain he could, especially in his younger years, put up with a great deal of zanyism, ingenious foolery and rough tumbling, if it had any basis to tumble on; though with years he became more saturnine.

We can get you any kind of plane you want in an hour, and Perkins can find a man of that description who would be glad to have a dream at that price. But what's the idea?... Pardon me, I shouldn't have asked that," he added, as the saturnine chemist shot him a black look from beneath his heavy brows.

What do you suppose he is thinking of, as he floats there, so still, so saturnine, so indifferent to us? He is plainly in a deep, deep reverie. How wise he looks a grey, wise old water-hermit, with his head full of strange, unimaginable water-secrets, and strange, ancient water-memories.

Victor and Colney had been champion duellists for the rosy and the saturnine since the former cheerfully slaved for a small stipend in the City of his affection, and the latter entered on an inheritance counted in niggard hundreds, that withdrew a briefless barrister disposed for scholarship from the forlornest of seats in the Courts.

The rustic foxes of Izumo have no grace: they are uncouth; but they betray in countless queer ways the personal fancies of their makers. They are of many moods whimsical, apathetic, inquisitive, saturnine, jocose, ironical; they watch and snooze and squint and wink and sneer; they wait with lurking smiles; they listen with cocked ears most stealthily, keeping their mouths open or closed.

Lazenby was so taken back by this remark that, presently, he trumped his partner's ace, and was rewarded by a talon-like look from the Tall Master's eye; but it was immediately followed by one of saturnine amusement. They played on silently. "Ah, you are a wonderful player!" he presently said to Pierre, with a look of keen scrutiny.

At the same time he was, like most cultured persons and especially musicians, highly strung and excitable. But at a certain point in his career his very nature seemed to change; he became reserved, secretive, and saturnine. On this moral metamorphosis followed an equally startling physical change.

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