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But if I escape by thy aid, and if, at thy instance, these Rangars and their friends ride to my help against my brother, then I will throw all my weight men and influence in the scale on the British side." "And ?" "And thou shalt be Maharanee!" "Never!" "But in case that the British should be beaten before we reach them, then, sahiba! Then in case of thy need!"

Said the Sahiba, to whom watchful eyes reported this move: 'Let him go. I have done my share. Mother Earth must do the rest. When the Holy One comes back from meditation, tell him.

This I have never before attained, though I have stood on the threshold of it. Consider, for it is a marvel! 'A marvel indeed. Two days and two nights without food! Where was the Sahiba? said Kim under his breath. 'Yea, my Soul went free, and, wheeling like an eagle, saw indeed that there was no Teshoo Lama nor any other soul.

"Pardon, sahib, and yours, sahiba, if I have alarmed you, but I am come on an errand of haste, seeking him who is known as the Sahib David Amber." "I am he. What do you want with me?" "It is only this, that I have been commissioned to bear to you, sahib." The man fumbled hurriedly in the folds of his surtout, darting quick glances of apprehension round the garden.

"And what proof have I in any case that you will keep your word, Jaimihr-sahib. I will keep mine but who will keep yours, that has been so often broken?" "Sahiba " "Show me a proof!" "Here now in this place?" "Convince me, if you can! I will give myself willingly if I can save my father by it and these Rangars and Mr. Cunningham; but your bare word, Jaimihr-sahib, is worth that!"

"Then it is the Rani Sahiba who is entertaining these troops of yours? But is she not far away?" "So far away as to be between this place and the river that parts it from Agpur, sahib." "This is very serious." It was quite certain that Mr James Antony would not approve of the Rani's taking up her residence so close to her former capital, when she was supposed to be at Benares.

When the cell-door creaked open, Alwa and Mahommed Gunga were crouched one on either side, listening with the ears of soldiers that do not let many sounds or words escape them. "Jaimihr-sahib!" she whispered. "Jaimihr-sahib!" "Ha! Sahiba!" Then he called her by half a dozen names that made the listening Rangars grin into their beards.

I have employed a very competent European lady doctor, Miss Swain, M.D., to attend on Her Highness, the Rani Sahiba, and, feeling it my duty to place her advice and assistance within the reach of all my subjects, have established a regular dispensary for women.

The big beam lifted on her hands with barely more effort than was needed to lift up the water-jar; the door opened a little way, and she tried, while she passed the water in, to peer through the darkness at the prisoner. But there were no windows to that cell, and such dim light as there was came from behind her. "They have bound me, sahiba, in this corner," groaned Jaimihr. "I cannot reach it.

But I see that you did not lie. I am still thirsty, sahiba." He held out both hands, and she could see them dimly. There were no chains on them, and he was not bound in any way. She gave him the jar. "Let me pass out again before you drink," she ordered. "It is not known that I am in here, and I would not have it known."