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The little man waved aside the interruption and continued: "Tristram for I shall have him christened by that name " "He'll be called Jeremiah," decided Captain Runacles shortly. "I've settled upon Tristram. The name is a suitable one, and signifies that its wearer is a child of sorrow." "Jeremiah also suggests lamentations, and has the further merit of being my own name." "Tristram " "Jeremiah "

The little man caught up the box, rattled the dice briskly, and threw four and three. Captain Runacles picked them up, and made his cast deliberately six and ace. "Gentlemen, you must throw again. Fortune herself seems to hesitate between you." Captain Barker threw again, and leant back with a sob of triumph. "Two sixes, upon my soul!" murmured the Doctor.

"No, sir," Captain Runacles answered; "I have the honour to be his lieutenant." "He is killed, perhaps?" "I fancy not." "Then where is he?" "Excuse me, monsieur, it strikes me he has yet to be taken." "But the ship is ours!" "Well, monsieur, you have hauled down our colours and I can't deny it. But as for the frigate, I doubt if you can call it yours just yet." "What do you mean, sir?"

"You wish us to sit still while you devour all this?" "I am willing to give each side of the argument a fair chance." "But I find nothing to argue about!" exclaimed Captain Runacles, pushing his plate from him after a very faint attempt to eat. "My mind being already made up " "And mine," interrupted Captain Barker. "If I suggest that both of you adopt the child," Dr. Beckerleg begun.

"Let him come in," said William, after opening it and running his eye over the contents; then, addressing Captain Salt, "I fear this puts an end to our conversation for the time. If you will wait below, the necessary papers shall be brought to you. Farewell, young man; and when you embrace them, assure Captain Barker and Captain Runacles that I have still some hope of their finding a better mind."

And Captain Runacles proceeded to explain the will in a hard, methodical voice, nodding his head whenever he reached a point of importance at the parchment which rustled between Captain Barker's fingers. For a while this rustle sounded like the whisper of a gathering storm. "It follows from this," concluded Captain Runacles, "that I am responsible for the child's upbringing.

"By the way," the Earl said, "it may be painful to you to be reminded of your former connection with Harwich; but did you happen to know, in those days, two gentlemen, captains in King Charles's Navy, and natives, I believe, of this town Barker and Runacles?" "I did. They were both, at one time, suitors for the hand of my late wife." "Indeed?

After his treatment at the hands of the Earl of Marlborough's soldiers, Captain Barker had been confined to his pavilion by nothing short of main force, which Dr. Beckerleg had with difficulty prevailed on Captain Runacles to exert.

His name was Jeremy Runacles, and for two years, that had ended on this very morning, he had commanded the Trident frigate. As he climbed down her ladder into his gig he had left on the deck behind him a reputation for possessing a shorter temper than any three officers in his Majesty's service. At present his steel-blue eyes seemed gentle enough.

Narcissus withdrew, and knocked again a minute later. "He says he must see you." "Have you turned him out?" "I told him you were busy with Captain Jemmy. 'Who's Captain Jemmy? he asks. 'Captain Jemmy Runacles, I answers. 'All the better, says he." "Excuse me," said a voice at the door; "but my business concerns both of you gentlemen. Also it concerns Tristram Salt."