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Wilding regretfully. "Now you become offensive." "I mean to be," said Blake. "You astonish me!" "You lie! I don't," Sir Rowland answered him in triumph. He had got it out at last. Mr. Wilding sat back in his chair, and looked at him, his face inexpressibly shocked. "Will you of your own accord deprive us of your company, Sir Rowland," he wondered, "or shall Mr. Trenchard throw you after your hat?"

'But one day more or less, suggested Lady Nugent, who did not imagine it possible that Rowland Prothero could refuse an invitation from her, which was, in her opinion, quite a royal command. She, so exclusive!

"Be it so!" rejoined Sir Rowland, with concentrated fury; "but before we do part, I am resolved to know the name of your pretended husband!" "Torture shall not wrest it from me," answered his sister, firmly. "What motive have you for concealment?" he demanded. "A vow," she answered, "a vow to my dead husband." Sir Rowland looked at her for a moment, as if he meditated some terrible reply.

Roderick raised his head, but he said nothing; he seemed to be exchanging a long glance with his companion. The result of it was to make him fling himself back with an inarticulate murmur. Rowland, admonished by the silence, was on the point of turning away, but he was arrested by a gesture of the young girl. She pointed for a moment into the blue air.

'She must be nearly eight, I think, said Rowland, turning over the small, well-read Testament that had once been his mother's. 'I like that book now, Rowland! said Netta. 'I am so glad you have come back. It seemed so lonesome when you were gone. Ha! ha! Howel used to say I must say lonely and not lonesome. Are you sure he won't come and find you here? 'Quite sure.

Philip presently discovered that the presence of some one from the Hopes would be the best cordial that could be administered; and he set forth on the same errand to bring Margaret, that she might have his protection in case of his sister returning before her arrival. Margaret was gone with Mr Rowland before Philip arrived.

"My dear Rowland, the comfort with you is that I can trust you. You 're incapable of doing anything disloyal." "You mean to lie here, then, smelling your roses and nursing your visions, and leaving your mother and Miss Garland to fall ill with anxiety?" "Can I go and flaunt my felicity in their faces? Wait till I get used to it a trifle.

Miss Gwynne came to the bed, and kneeling down, joined in the prayers. Again Rowland spoke soothingly to the girl of the need of looking to Christ, the Saviour, alone in the hour of her extremity; and she murmured, 'He is my rock and my fortress. 'Do you trust wholly in Him? 'In whom else should I trust? All human friends are gone. 'Not all, you have friends around you.

"It relates to my friend Hudson." And Rowland paused. She was looking at him expectantly; her face gave no sign. "I am rather disturbed in mind about him. He seems to me at times to be in an unpromising way." He paused again, but Christina said nothing. "The case is simply this," he went on. "It was by my advice he renounced his career at home and embraced his present one.

They had a hard fight on both sides, but at last the English conquered, and Owen and his party won the day amidst great cheering. Sir Hugh and Rowland joined in the succeeding games; and sixpences, sweetmeats, apples, and every available prize was given to the boys and girls for racing, jumping, singing, and the like, until the shades of evening fell over the scene.