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The room was completely dark, and I did not know whether it connected with other rooms or was a mere closet, but the freshness of the air in it inclined me to the former view. Over my head the torrent roared, and I had to stand very close to the door to hear what passed. I heard Leroux tramp in and his voice mingling with the click-click of the ball in the roulette-wheel.

"You can't frighten me with such stuff. I am not a weak old man!" "You will think differently after Charles Duchaine has been hanged in Quebec jail," he sneered. His words received a wholly unexpected answer. The dotard leaped forward, stooped down, and picked up the heavy roulette-wheel. He raised it aloft and staggered wildly toward Leroux. Simon turned just in time.

This was the fire-alarm telegraph, the "roulette-wheel of the fire demon," as some one has aptly called it. "All the alarms for fire from all the boroughs, both from the regular alarm-boxes and the auxiliary systems, come here first over the network of three thousand miles or more of wire nerves that stretch out through the city," McCormick was explaining to us. A buzzer hissed.

"Two hundred I am offered. Much better! Turn the pedestal round, Willie, and let them look at it. Slowly! Slowly! You aren't spinning a roulette-wheel. Two hundred. Two-two-two-two-two." He became suddenly lyrical. "Two-two-two There was a young lady named Lou, who was catching a train at two-two. Said the porter, 'Don't worry or hurry or scurry.

"The Pole, gentlemen; behold, I arrive; c'est moi!" We passed out into the general room. The card-tables were now full, the billiard-balls rolled incessantly across the green cloth; from an inner room came the unmistakable click of a roulette-wheel. Men talked loudly of their projects and ambitions shortly to be accomplished.

There were no women in the town of the proper character to be trusted with her future, and the camp was in a quandary. "Among what might be called the shifting population, was a peripatetic ah, gambler, who traveled under the sobriquet of 'Gentleman Geoff'. He had set up a shack where he operated a roulette-wheel and faro-bank, and was very much attached to the child. Can you not surmise the rest?

The people of Reno are very docile indeed .... there are no cowboy yells nor Indian whoops, which some of our Eastern and Southern friends imagine still to exist. And the click of the roulette-wheel has passed with the years that have departed. Reno has developed into a cosmopolitan city with a cosmopolitan population.

He's made eighteen straight passes. Get your money on the line." There ensued another breathless instant wherein she heard the thud of dice, then followed the shout of triumph that told what the spots revealed. The dealer payed off. Glenister reared himself head and shoulders above the others and pushed out through the ring to the roulette-wheel. The rest followed.

The Snowbird so far forgot his responsibilities as to abandon the roulette-wheel and leave its bank-roll unguarded while he scurried to the bar and demanded a drink, a tray of assorted drinks, fit for a fainting lady.

It is, of course, vital that the confederate case-keeper be able to interpret the dealer's signs perfectly in order to move the sliding ebony disks to correspond, else trouble will accrue at the completion of the hand when the cases come out wrong. Having completed his instructions, the proprietor went forward, and Cherry wormed her way towards the roulette-wheel.