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The rose-bush covered the wall and hung out over the water, in which everything was seen as if in a picture, except that it all stood on its head; but when the water was troubled everything got mixed up, and the picture was gone.

It was late in the afternoon, and already, in the west, the sky was beginning to put on some of its sunset splendours. In the east, framed to Peter's vision by parallel lines of poplars, it hung like a curtain of dark-blue velvet. Peter sat on the grass, by the roadside, in the shadow of a hedge a rose-bush hedge, of course and lighted a cigarette.

Pett's yacht is; and so all into the barge again, and so to Woolwich, on board the Rose-bush, Captain Brown's' ship, that is brother-in-law to Sir W. Batten, where we had a very fine dinner, dressed on shore, and great mirth and all things successfull; the first time I ever carried my wife a-ship-board, as also my boy Wayneman, who hath all this day been called young Pepys, as Sir W. Pen's boy young Pen.

A thought came into his head. "How if Noémi were dead already?" Why should not this be possible? What a burden it would free him from that of persuading her to the dreadful step. He who has one fixed idea expects of fate that everything should happen as he has planned. Near the white rose-bush no doubt a second already stands, which will bloom red in spring on Noémi's grave.

And he tell her water the rose-bush every day and think of him, and he will come back before it is large, and every time a bud come out she can know he is thinking of her very hard." "Ay, pobrecita!" said Francesca, "I wonder will he come back. These men!" "Surely. Are not all men mad for La Tulita?" "Yes yes, but he go far away. To America! Dios de mi alma! And men, they forget."

"How am I to come up?" shouted Diamond. "Go round the rose-bush. It's got its foot in it," said the first voice. Diamond got up at once, and walked to the other side of the rose-bush. There he found what seemed the very opposite of what he wanted a stair down into the earth. It was of turf and moss.

"You little folks seem very much puzzled about something," said the old oak-tree. "I heard the south wind tell the rose-bush that she would die," exclaimed the vine, "and we do not understand what it is. Can you tell us what it is to die?" The old oak-tree smiled sadly. "I do not call it death," said the old oak-tree; "I call it sleep, a long, restful, refreshing sleep."

Leave your key under that yellow rose-bush, will you? I can't stop to hunt up mine. And tell them not to bar and chain the door; that's a good fellow." Hamil nodded and resumed his journey to his bedroom.

Then the old cook scolded and said, "You simpletons, you should have cut the rose-bush in two, and have broken off the rose and brought it home with you; go, and do it once." They had therefore to go out and look for the second time. The children, however, saw them coming from a distance. Then Lina said, "Fundevogel, never leave me, and I will never leave thee."

A great blackbird flew out with a loud "chook, chook," and the red of the haw on his yellow bill. A robin trilled from a low rose-bush; two wrens searched diligently on a fallen tree for breakfast, quite unconcerned when I rested a moment beside them; and a shrewmouse slipped across the road followed directly by its mate.