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Updated: August 14, 2024

She felt a hand groping towards her, and at last find and cover in a tight grip her fingers. "You do not fire bombs from a gun or from a pistol, my dearest." There was a great tenderness in Major Guthrie's voice. Even in the midst of her surprise and disarray at the extraordinary thing she had just heard, Mrs. Guthrie blushed so deeply that Mr. Reynolds noticed it, and felt rather puzzled.

Then he quickly struck a match, and examined it more carefully. Yes, he was right, and he had made no mistake. It was gold! For a few seconds Reynolds stared upon his new discovery. Then he examined the walls elsewhere, and no matter where he looked, he found nuggets of gold protruding from the earth. His excitement now became intense, and seizing a burning stick he began to explore the cave.

Henry Reynolds and was a broker, with an office in New Street. "I see you are a broker, sir," said Grant. "Tom Calder wants to get a place in a broker's office." "I should prefer that he would try some other broker," said Mr. Reynolds, smiling. "I don't want a boy who deals with the bucket shops." At this point Tom re-entered the car, having finished his cigarette.

He remained in the outer room, and she heard him clatter among dishes and throw two logs on the fire. Then he went off into another room and did not return. Reynolds, seeing that his master had company, was busy preparing the one "spare room" of the lodge for a possible guest. Mrs. Carey grew tired of waiting. She went to the piazza door, opened it, and looked out.

Besides, we're part o' the Reynolds' outfit, anyway." As Mose swung into the saddle his heart was light. Away to the south a long low cloud of smoke hung. "What is that?" he asked. "That's the bull-gine on the Great Western; we got two railroads now." "Which is two too many," said the other man.

Arrived at the creek about two miles south-south-east of it, and, finding it running, camped amongst excellent feed. By keeping to west of my former track I have found the country much opener; but nearly all day the journey has been through spinifex. Wind from west. Thursday, 4th April, The Wicksteed, Reynolds Range. Started at 7.40 a.m. to cross the range, bearing to Mount Freeling 312 degrees.

About four thousand assembled at Burford, under the command of Thomson, a man formerly condemned for sedition by a court martial, but pardoned by the general. Colonel Reynolds, and afterwards Fairfax and Cromwell, fell upon them, while unprepared for defence, and seduced by the appearance of a treaty. Four hundred were taken prisoners; some of them capitally punished, the rest pardoned.

Sir Joshua Reynolds was such a believer in the force of industry, that he held that artistic excellence, "however expressed by genius, taste, or the gift of heaven, may be acquired." Writing to Barry he said, "Whoever is resolved to excel in painting, or indeed any other art, must bring all his mind to bear upon that one object from the moment that he rises till he goes to bed."

Reynolds and Captain Armstrong. The most influential members of the Dublin Society remaining at large contrived to correspond with each other, or to meet by stealth after the arrest at Bond's. The vacancies in the Executive were filled up by the brothers John and Henry Sheares, both barristers, sons of a wealthy Cork banker, and former member of Parliament, and by Mr. Lawless, a surgeon.

Certainly, I overlooked it, or rather I did not see it, for it was not there to be seen. On the contrary, I was ordered to close up on Reynolds, and for a purpose viz., to support him. I remark also that it was impossible for any man, on reading Rosecrans's order to me, to even remotely conjecture that it was based on the supposition that Brannan was out of line.

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