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Updated: August 18, 2024

Some kind of trade, however, must have existed between the Regni and the other tribes of Britain, in order to supply them with the bronze, whose component elements Sussex does not possess.

For Buchanan's politics were too advanced for his age. Not only Catholic Scotsmen, like Blackwood, Winzet, and Ninian, but Protestants, like Sir Thomas Craig and Sir John Wemyss, could not stomach the "De Jure Regni." They may have had some reason on their side.

In qua dum voluntate manemus erga S. V. non nisi optime de bonis vestris meritis in praefatum Iacobum nobis pollicemur. Et Deum Opt. Max. precamur, vt S. V. saluam conseruet, et incolumem. Datae e Regia nostra Grenouici 19 die mensis Iunij, Anno Domini 1583, regni vero nostri vicessimo quinto. S. vestra bona soror. The same in English.

His book was an answer to the Sacra Sancta Regum Majestas, in which the Divine Right of kings, and the duty of passive obedience, had been strenuously upheld. Its appearance in 1644 created a great sensation, and threw into the shade Buchanan's De Jure Regni apud Scotos, which had hitherto held the field on the popular side.

The "De Jure Regni" was again prohibited in Scotland, in 1664, even in manuscript; and in 1683, the whole of Buchanan's political works had the honour of being burned by the University of Oxford, in company with those of Milton, Languet, and others, as "pernicious books, and damnable doctrines, destructive to the sacred persons of Princes, their state and government, and of all human society."

Will it please ye to inspect the letters, gentlemen?" holding them forth. "You will find that his Majesty hath thus written; 'In cujus rei testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste Meipso, apud Westm. 10 die Maij, Anno Regni nostri, &c. Then follows the royal signature. None of ye, I presume, will question its authenticity?"

They were seated on it also at their tribunal on solemn occasions. Virgil makes old king Latinus say: Et sellam regni trabeamque insignia nostri. Æn. The Romans had borrowed it from the Etruscans according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus. See Phoebens. De Identitate Cathedræ S. Petri p.

De Pallatio Soldani, ac numero, et nominibus praeteritorum Soldanorum. Cayr ciuitas Imperialis et Regalis est valde munita, et grandis, decorata sede propria Sarracenorum Regni, vbi dominus eorum Soldanus communiter residere solet, in suo Calahelick, id est, castro forti, et lato, ac in euecta rupe statuto.

Greg. 9, 33: Tunc ego accedens ad monasterium canonum Nicaenorum decreta relegi, in quibus continetur: quia si quae reliquerit virum et thorum, in quo bene vexit, spreverit, dicens quia non sit ei portio in illa caelestis regni gloria qui fuerit coniugio copulatus, anathema sit. Codex, i, 3, 54 . Codex, v, 4, 20, and 5, 18. Codex, i, 9, 6. Novellae, cix, 1. Codex, v, 4, 23 and 28.

It was not quite for nothing that James had had for his tutor the republican George Buchanan, one of the first opponents of monarchical absolutism in his famous De Jure Regni apud Scotos; nor did he ever quite forget the noble words in which at his first Parliament he thus defined for ever the position of a constitutional king: "That I am a servant it is most true, that as I am head and governor of all the people in my dominion who are my natural vassals and subjects, considering them in numbers and distinct ranks: so, if we will take the whole people as one body and mass, then, as the head is ordained for the body and not the body for the head, so must a righteous king know himself to be ordained for his people and not his people for him. . . . I will never be ashamed to confess it my principal honour to be the great servant of the Commonwealth."

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