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Southminster was ten miles from Warpington, eleven according to the Loftus Arms, from which it issued, the owner of which was not on happy terms with his "teetotal" vicar. Yet it had been absolutely necessary to have the fly, in order that Regie, who so easily caught cold, might return in safety. The dusk was already falling, and more snow with it. It was quite dark when Mrs.

Hester felt that the subject would be quite beyond her powers of explanation if once the gate were introduced into it. She laid Regie down and covered him. "And you will go to sleep now. And I will ask Uncle Dick when next he comes to show us how he did the game with the half-penny." "Yes," said Regie, dejectedly. "I'd rather know what there is to be known. Only I thought it was a flying one.

Bert took up the book again and fingered it thoughtfully. "Could I get one if I wanted to?" he asked, presently. "Why, of course," answered Regie. "There are many more at Gossip's where I got this, I guess." Bert said no more; and the two boys soon began talking about something else. For some days thereafter Bert was in a very perplexed state of mind.

Begin at once without." "Very well," said Polly. There was another break down, and then she seemed fairly grave. "My dear brethren," she began. "There's only one of us," I ventured to observe. "Now, Regie, you mustn't speak. The congregation never speaks to the clergyman when he's preaching." "It's such a small congregation," I pleaded.

And though his answer was still to come, that was months away. There was Uncle Regie greatly displeased with her; there was Constance treating her as a traitor; there was the mischief done, and yet something hard and heavy was gone? Something sweet and precious had come in on her! Surely it was, that now she knew and felt that she could trust in Aunt Lilias yes, and in Mysie.

"Why, I use a pony, of course," responded Regie. "A pony!" exclaimed Bert, in a tone of surprise. "What do you mean?" "Oh, come now," said Regie, with an incredulous smile. "Do you mean to say that you don't know what a pony is?" "I do, really," returned Bert. "Please tell me, like a good fellow." "Come along home with me after school, and I'll show you," said Regie.

The -th was quartered at Harfield, within easy distance, and a splendid looking fellow like Regie was invaluable to Victoria, whenever she wanted anything to go off well. Well, in those days I had a ward, my mother's great niece, Maude Conway.

So the Russian road from Resht was pronounced to be a subject for public agitation by the Tabriz Mujtahid, Mirza Javad Agha, who, since his successful contest over the Tobacco Régie, has claimed to be one of the most important personages in Persia.

There was only one drawback to my pleasure, when the much anticipated time of my first visit to London came. Aunt Maria did not like dogs; Uncle Ascott too said that "they were very rural and nice for the country, but that they didn't do in a town house. Besides which, Regie," he added, "such a pretty dog as Rubens would be sure to be stolen. And you wouldn't like that."

We had plenty of family gossip, and news of the neighbourhood to chat over. "So Lady Damer that is to be is coming to the Towers," Maria announced at breakfast, on the authority of a letter she was reading. "Leo is coming here to shoot, isn't he, Regie?" "We expect him every day," said I; "but I never knew he was engaged. Who is it?"