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Into Evelyn Erith's eyes there came a vague light the spectre of a smile. And as Recklow looked at her he remembered the living glory she had once been; and wrath blazed wildly within him. "What have they done to you?" he asked in an unsteady voice. But McKay laid his hand on Recklow's arm: "Nothing. It is what they have not done fed her. That's all she needs and sleep."

"Oh!" he cried gaily, "hello, Recklow! Where on earth have you been for three days?" Recklow came into the rose arbour. The blossoms were gone from the vines but it was a fragrant, golden place into which the September sun filtered. He lifted Miss Erith's hand and kissed it gravely. "How are you?" he inquired. "Perfectly well, and ready for Paris!" she said smilingly.

And Recklow, we laughed, sometimes, where laughter among clouded minds means nothing nothing even to the Hun nor causes suspicion nor brings punishment other than the accustomed kick and blow which the Hun reserves for all who are helpless."... He bowed his head in his hands. "All who are weak and stricken," he whispered to himself. Recklow said: "Did they harm HER?" And,

When they came up to the ravine where Recklow and his men were grouped they immediately became very busy with their cylinders, wires, hose-pipes, and other instruments.

Tell me, if you don't mind; have you been bothered at all so far by Boche agents?" "Yes," nodded Evelyn Erith. "You've already had some serious trouble?" McKay said: "Our ship was torpedoed off Strathlone Head. In Scotland a dozen camouflaged Boches caught me napping in spite of being warned. It was very humiliating, Recklow."

He leaned nearer, twisting his clenched fingers together: "We saw them, Recklow. We saw the Staubbach fighting for right of way; we saw the Hun fighting the Staubbach Darkness battling with Light! the Hun against the Most High! miles under the earth's crust, Recklow.... Do you believe in God?" "Yes."

Tell that to Macniff and Skelton when they come; that's what I want you here for. I want to cut off the Yankees' retreat. Do you understand?" "I understand," she breathed. "You'll carry out my orders?" She nodded, strove to straighten up, then with both hands on her breast she sank back utterly exhausted. Recklow looked at her a moment in grim silence, then turned and walked away.

When they had seated themselves on the faded-green bench on either side of him he said, still gazing toward the mountains: "It's April up there. Dress warmly." "Which is Mount Terrible?" inquired Miss Erith. "Those are the lower ridges. The summit is not visible from where we sit," replied Recklow. And, to McKay: "There's some snow there still, I hear."

The Boche planes took the air but two crashed and the rest turned east." "You saw no living creature escape from the Zell end of the tunnel?" "Not a soul, sir." Recklow turned to the group of officers around him: "I guess they're done for," he said. "That fumigation cleaned out the vermin. But keep the tunnel pumped full of gas.... Au revoir, messieurs!"

And on the second night Recklow's men built fires and camped carelessly beside the brilliant warmth, while "mountain mutton" frizzled on pointed sticks and every blue-devil smacked his lips. On the early morning of the third day Recklow discovered what he had been looking for. And an Alpinist signalled an airplane over Mount Terrible from the White Shoulder of Thusis.