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A few years after her birth Owenson, having quarrelled with Daly, invested his savings in a tumble-down building known as the Old Music Hall, which he restored, and re-named the National Theatre.

Kennedy traces the Victoria in its final course south Re-named the Barcoo First notice of the PITURI chewing natives Leichhardt's second Expedition Failure and Return Leichhardt's last Expedition His absolute disappearance Conjectures as to his fate Kennedy starts from Rockingham Bay to Cape York Scrubs and swamps Great exertions Hostile natives Insufficiency of supplies provided Dying horses Main party left in Weymouth Bay Another separation at Shelburne Bay Murder of Kennedy at the Escape River Rescue of Jacky the black boy His pathetic tale of suffering Failure to find the camp at Shelburne Bay Rescue of but two survivors at Weymouth Bay The remainder starved to death Von Mueller in the Australian Alps Western Australia Landor and Lefroy, in 1843 First expedition of the brothers Gregory, in 1846 Salt lakes and scrub Lieutenant Helpman sent to examine the coal seam discovered Roe, in 1848 His journey to the east and to the south A. C. Gregory attempts to reach the Gascoyne Foiled by the nature of the country Discovers silver ore on the Murchison Governor Fitzgerald visits the mine Wounded by the natives Rumour of Leichhardt having been murdered by the blacks Hely's expedition in quest of him Story unfounded Austin's explorations in Western Australia Terrible scrubs Poison camp Determined efforts to the north Heat and thirst Forced to return.

They are capable of producing an almost endless variety of choice music. The selection which we hear at this time, is one which I have re-named 'The Carol of the Ferns. Pardon me, Mr. Flagg, if in my enthusiasm over the beauties of what you have so poetically termed my 'magical temple of ferns, some of my statements should sound like boasting; I assure you they are not so intended.

For years they had clung to the one field which faced their windows, and it was only after much argument and many heartburnings, that they had at last consented that it should share the fate of the others. A broad road was driven through their quiet domain, the quarter was re-named "The Wilderness," and three square, staring, uncompromising villas began to sprout up on the other side.

"Of course the U-91 has been re-named," continued the captain. "She will be known hereafter in the navy department records as the Monitor. You remember what that other Monitor did."

If its homing instinct led it upon the right line, there can be no doubt that somewhere out in the wastes of the Atlantic the last European pterodactyl found its end. And Gladys oh, my Gladys! Gladys of the mystic lake, now to be re-named the Central, for never shall she have immortality through me. Did I not always see some hard fiber in her nature?

Magnus' sister, who had been re-named Ragnvald from his resemblance to the handsome Jarl Ragnvald Brusi's son, and was afterwards designated Jarl of Orkney by King Sigurd of Norway, as the representative of the line of Erlend, Thorfinn's son. With Jarl Ragnvald, Jarl St. Magnus' sequel in estate, and himself afterwards St.

We had only had him a few days, but he behaved excellently, lying at our feet most of the time. He came to us as "Whisky," but was promptly re-named "Rob." On the early morning of the eighth day it was Palm Sunday the mountainous cliffs of Tristan could dimly be discerned.

Barton had taken over a great barn-like, abandoned factory building that stood on the shore of an artificial lake which, in his wife's honour, he re-named after her, Lake Emily ... his wife was a fussy Canadian woman who interfered in everyone's affairs beyond endurable measure.

Then the constellations will be re-organized, and polished up, and re-named the most of them "Victoria," I reckon, but this one will sail thereafter as the Southern Kite, or go out of business. Several towns and things, here and there, have been named for Her Majesty already. In these past few days we are plowing through a mighty Milky Way of islands.