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What revenge, what heavy calamity shall I not endure in agony for the terrible deeds I have done? And wilt thou win the return that thy heart desires? Never may Zeus' bride, the queen of all, in whom thou dost glory, bring that to pass. Mayst thou some time remember me when thou art racked with anguish; may the fleece like a dream vanish into the nether darkness on the wings of the wind!

The lieutenant, his chest still laboring heavily, racked with the torture of his torn shoulder, looked into that face out of the only calm eyes in the group. "So it's you, Struve?" "Yes, it's me me and my friends." "I've been looking for you high and low." "Well, you've found me," came the immediate exultant answer. "I reckon I'm indebted to you for this." Fraser moved his shoulder slightly.

How I have dreamed of you! How I have been racked! But it was worth it all for this." It was Nais herself who sent me to attend to my sterner duties. The din of the attack came to us in the house where I was tending her, and she asked its meaning. As pithily as might be, for she was in no condition for tedious listening, I gave her the history of her nine years' sleep.

Close to the well was a cave in the cliff which a hermit had once used for his cell a very picturesque spot to have chosen for his meditations, so the girls decided. "But horribly damp; the poor man must have been racked with rheumatism," said Miss Frazer, who was of a practical mind.

Of course, every mind was filled with anxiety in regard to the three sailors, but Captain Horn's soul was racked with apprehensions of which he did not speak. The conviction forced itself upon him that the men had been killed by wild beasts. He could imagine no other reason why Davis should not have returned. He had been ordered not to leave the beach, and, therefore, could not lose his way.

'That summer, she went on, 'you asked me ten times if you asked me once. I am older now; much more of a woman, you know; and my opinion is changed about some people; especially about one. 'O Anne, Anne! he burst out as, racked between honour and desire, he snatched up her hand. The next moment it fell heavily to her lap. He had absolutely relinquished it half-way to his lips.

He took the two telegrams closer to the light, and read the blessed words over and over again, then, trembling with weakness and something more, tottered back to his chair. Until then, he had not known how weary he was, nor how the long weeks of anxiety and fruitless effort had racked him to the soul.

The old mother retorted; the girl joined in. All three were scowling, flashing, showing teeth, driving the wordy javelin upon one another, indiscriminately, or two to one, without a pause; all to a sound like the slack silver string of the fiddle. I sang out truce to them; they racked me with laughter; and such laughter! the shaking of husks in a half-empty sack.

Andreas had good reason to be angry, and he spoke no more till they reached their destination, a country house of handsome and important aspect. No father could have received his future daughter more heartily than did old Polybius. The fiend gout racked his big toes, stabbing, burning, and nipping them.

Near as Finn was to the limit of his endurance, his brave spirit lived within him yet, and he did not forego the nightly habit he had formed long since of trying the bars that made him a prisoner. It is possible that there never was a much more pathetically forlorn hope than that which animated this sorely racked prisoner when he felt his bars.