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Updated: August 1, 2024

Pretty dear!" says the Sergeant, fondling the Musk Rose with his lanky fingers, and speaking to it as if he was speaking to a child. This was a nice sort of man to recover Miss Rachel's Diamond, and to find out the thief who stole it! "You seem to be fond of roses, Sergeant?" I remarked. "I haven't much time to be fond of anything," says Sergeant Cuff.

There was a faint light in one of the upper two in which he had some reason to think was that of Rachel's bedroom. It seemed to him the window was open; he perceived something like the swaying of a blind inside it. The night was marvellously mild for mid-November; and he remembered Rachel's old craving for air, winter and summer.

The parson started briskly. "Let us all go," said Mrs. Henderson kindly, gathering Rachel's hand up in one of hers. "Come, dear." So off they hurried, the platform's length, the farmers and their wives looking after them with the greatest interest. "My, but ain't Mrs. Henderson glad to get a girl, though!" "Yes, she sets by her a'ready." "Sakes alive!

"'Something about sentence, pardner. "'Well, it's time they was doing something; did he say when it was? "'To-morrow. "'Good enough; I'm dead sick o' this. "'Can't I do anything for you, Mr. Rokesby for Rachel's sake? "'No yes, you can, too, young man; you can grant me a pardon for a worse crime nor murder, if you will for for Rachel's sake." "'It's granted then.

Three of the guests at the birthday dinner and those three all exceptionally intelligent people were out of my reach, at the very time when it was most important to be able to communicate with them. My last hopes now rested on Betteredge, and on the friends of the late Lady Verinder whom I might still find living in the neighbourhood of Rachel's country house.

The child cried and struggled, said she would see the lady, and must infallibly have been dismissed to the nursery, but her eye was caught, and her mind presently engaged by Lady Rachel's painted fan, on which there was a burning mountain, and a blue sea, and a shepherdess and her lamb all very gay. Flora was allowed to have the fan in her own hands a very rare favour.

Rachel's appetite had seemed sufficient for almost any food, but she confined her breakfast to two or three crackers of hard bread, and a few sups of coffee. The pleasantry had failed of its desired effect. It was like vinegar upon niter, or the singing of songs to an heavy heart.

Alick put the reins into Rachel's hands, and, after watching her drive off, returned to the party, and delivered the apologies of the ladies; then went in search of his uncle.

And as soon as she was alone, Rachel's hands dropped on her lap, her eyes closed, and her lips moved with solemn sweet motions. If there was a hearing ear open to that little house, oh surely those two were blessed! If not, then kind death was yet for a certainty drawing nigh only, what if in deep hell there should be yet a deeper hell?

Whilst Madeleine was bright and radiant as sunshine, there was something in Rachel's cold and commanding nature which betokened an uneasy longing for employment, and a desire to take an active part in whatever she could find to occupy her. Not long previously Rachel had had a sharp dispute with her father.

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