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It was here that General Bonaparte was staying, in rooms that had been booked a week before for my father. Although quick-tempered, my father did not say a word when the hotelier, who had been compelled to obey the orders of the municipality, came with some embarrassment to make his excuses.

The Kid was twenty-five, looked twenty; and a careful insurance company would have estimated the probable time of his demise at, say, twenty-six. His habitat was anywhere between the Frio and the Rio Grande. He killed for the love of it because he was quick-tempered to avoid arrest for his own amusement any reason that came to his mind would suffice.

"Nonsense!" and Robin assumed an air of indifference which he was far from feeling "Uncle Hugo is tired I think he has been put out you know he's quick-tempered and easily irritated he may have had some annoyance in the town " "Ah! And where's Landon?" put in Priscilla, with a dark nod "That do beat me!

Being quick-tempered withal, if deliberately insulted, he resented this fellow's crude speech. "No," he cried hotly. "What you really want is a policeman, and there's one close at hand Hi! Officer!" he shouted: "Come here at once. There are two rascals in a boat "

"I can almost see him now as he looked when he came to call on me in the old office farther down the street. Tall and quick-tempered, and you can imagine how strong in the fingers he was in those days! I recall I used to keep my glove on when I shook hands with him. He was a fine young chap, was James.

"This request and the sneering way in which it was made caused the quick-tempered Nanahboozhoo to become very angry, and he suddenly sprang up and caught the Indian by the shoulders and violently throwing him on the ground said: "'From this time you shall be a stone, and so your request is granted."

She knew nothing of the art of buying and selling at the time of her marriage, but as the years went by she learned unconsciously the things one should not do in business, from watching Ferdinand Brandeis do them all. She even suggested this change and that, but to no avail. Ferdinand Brandeis was a gentle and lovable man at home; a testy, quick-tempered one in business.

Beryl Denvers plainly valued her freedom above every other consideration, and those who wooed her wooed in vain. She discouraged the attentions of all mankind with a rigour that never varied, till society began to think that her brief matrimonial experience had turned her into a man-hater. And yet this was hard to believe, for, though quick-tempered, she was not bitter.

Was he good-natured, even-tempered, thoughtful, his mates knew it at once and liked him. Was he quick-tempered, selfish, uncompanionable, it was quite as evident, and he had few friends. Sterling and unsuspected qualities were brought out in many of the men. Every man felt that we must and would stand together, and with a will do our work, be it peaceful or warlike. Where were we bound?

"So!" said Colonel Everard, "and there was not strife enough between mine uncle and the people of Woodstock already, but I must needs increase it, by chafing this irritable and quick-tempered old man, eager as I knew him to be in his ideas of church-government, and stiff in his prejudices respecting all who dissent from him!