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"Ah! that's the puzzler," replied Bumpus, in a meditative way; "but, of course, we must look out for puzzlers ahead sometimes w'en we gets into a land storm, d'ye see; just as we looks out ahead for breakers in a storm at sea. Suppose now that I creeps into the cave and listens for 'em. They'd never hear me, 'cause I'd make no noise."

Macbeth's question, 'Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased; pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow; raze out the written troubles of the brain? was a puzzler to the sixteenth century doctor, but he of the twentieth, yes, perhaps of the nineteenth, will be able to answer it affirmatively." "Is the process at all painful ?" "In no degree, my dear sir.

The two rough fellows looked at one another. The question was really a puzzler. Living their lives out on the sea, unlettered and unlearned, they had no knowledge of religious formularies. "We believe in God and Jesus Christ His Son," said Nick. "Is that so, brother?" "That is so," said Ned; "those are the names that come in the chaplain's prayers."

And, on the other hand, what living thing, unless his sinews were made of brass, would not be weary of marching eighteen hundred miles in the twenty-four hours, as Talus does, without ever sitting down to rest? He is a puzzler, take him how you will."

At this stage in the elucidation of the knotty point, Bluenose observed that his pipe was going out, so he paused, pulled at it vigorously for a few seconds, and then resumed his discourse. "Now, lads, wot ought you for to do w'en you've got hold of a puzzler?

"The child was always father to the man, I believe." "I confess the Major makes me feel childish," said the old man. "The choice between this or nothing is a puzzler to me. Can you help me out, Mr. Sisson? What do you make of this this-or-nothing business? I can understand neck-or-nothing " "I prefer the NOTHING part of it to the THIS part of it," said Aaron, grinning.

"They'd just walk in a circle round the place where you propose to run about and bamboozle them, till they found where our tracks entered this bit of bush. Then, as they'd see no tracks leaving it, of course they'd know that we were still there. D'you see?" "That's a puzzler for you, Jack," remarked Moses, as he watched the perplexed expression looming up again like a cloud on the sailor's face.

"Well, now, here's a pretty state of things," continued Otto, sleepily; "we've lost one day, an' we don't agree about three others, and Dom says he's gained a week! how are we ever to find out when Sunday comes, I should like to know? There's a puzzler a reg'lar puzzl' puz "

You're a raving, howling little beauty; and how you've remained out of captivity this long is a puzzler to me. Haven't you got a beau somewhere?" "No, Cutty. Perhaps I'm one of those who are quite willing to wait patiently. If the one I want doesn't come why, I'll be a jolly, philosophical old maid. No seconds or culls for me, as the magazine editor says." "Exactly what do you want?"

Therefore, because of what thou hast said, I would willingly break my oath, if I could but be sure that, in so doing, I should not be bringing evil upon myself and my house. But how can I be sure?" That was a puzzler, with a vengeance; and I looked about me in perplexity, searching earth and sky for an answer.