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As he slid he came against a sturdy live-oak bush which he clutched, managing to stop his descent into the next world for the time being. He even, swung one leg over a wiry limb, and there he clung, puttering sailors' argot, considering his sins, and roaring for help in his best fortissimo tone. The shaft was said to be a hundred feet deep.

"One day they harried and pestered her with arguments, reasonings, objections, and other windy and wordy trivialities, gathered out of the works of this and that and the other great theological authority, until at last her patience vanished, and she turned upon them sharply and said: "I don't know A from B; but I know this: that I am come by command of the Lord of Heaven to deliver Orleans from the English power and crown the King of Rheims, and the matters ye are puttering over are of no consequence!"

"Well, I don't see as you've changed much," he said kindly. "Haven't I? Why, seems as if I must look changed a lot," chirruped Jane. "I'm so rested, and Fred and Sally were so good to me! Why, they tried not to have me do a thing and I didn't do much, only a little puttering around just to help out with the work." "Hm-m," murmured Edgar. "Well, I'm glad to see you're rested."

"I'll send Farwell down there," said York, speaking to Carrol, who was the head of his land department. Now, Farwell was altogether too good a man to waste on a little, puttering job like this. He had seen service in half a dozen countries, always with credit to himself, and he was in line for big promotion.

"But you've been outdoors every minute!" Her tone was envious. "Every blessed minute. And you've been in, puttering over a lot of house jobs? See here, you need a run. Let's take the time to go up Harmon Hill and run down it eh? There'll not be a soul to see." She laughed doubtfully. "I'd love to, but the jelly?" "That's easy."

The dimpling pool might have been knee-deep, and was as cold as ice. "It's like that the hottest day in August," said Marty. "But it's lots more fun to go swimmin' in the lake." It was late afternoon when they came down the hillside to the old Day house once more. Mr. Day was puttering around the stables. "Ye didn't finish them 'taters, Marty," he complained.

As he neared it he saw a light in the shed where the little biplane was housed. Dave went to the half open door of the place to find Hiram Dobbs with a lantern puttering about the machine. "What have you been up to, Hiram?" challenged Dave. "Why, hello! Got back? Good!" cried Hiram, rushing forward to warmly welcome his best friend. "Yes, just arrived," answered Dave.

By a judicious blow in that spot where the ribs divaricate he could right well tie his adversary into a bow-knot, but this string of white lawn was a most damnable thing. Still, the puttering of the two women, their daily concern over his deportment, was bringing him into conformity with social usages.

I've been puttering around inventing new magnetos, potato-parers and the like, but this is my latest hobby. The Panama Canal is a big thing one of the biggest things in the world. We need the biggest guns in the world to protect it. "And, listen: Uncle Sam thinks the same way.

Darley Champers' business took him down the river to the Cloverdale Ranch, where he found Leigh Shirley training the young vines up the trellis by the west porch. "You got a mighty pretty place here; just looks like Jim Shirley," Champers declared as he greeted the young gardener. "Yes, Uncle Jim is never so happy as when he is puttering about the lawn and garden," Leigh answered.