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Still sulky, Jack betook himself to the rectory next morning for his daily bout with his studies. Parson Throckmorton was puttering in the garden, a shrunken little man who wore black small-clothes, lace at his wrists, and a powdered wig.

Next to children, the gray-haired man loved flowers, and he had planted the barren strip of land adjoining the fence separating the school yard from the alley with cannas and elephant's ears. He was puttering among them, now seeking voracious parasites, now examining a leaf which hinted in its faded coloring of fast approaching frosts, when boys' voices coming from the alley, held his attention.

The picture was a caricature of puttering old Frank Huntley, superintendent of the Caxton schools. Sitting before the fire in Mary Underwood's house, become, for the moment, a boy, facing a boy's problems, Sam did not want to be such a man.

Did loneliness drive him to the door of insanity and did he also run through the night seeking some lost, some hidden and half forgotten loveliness? When her father had disappeared around the corner she went through the gate and into the street. "I'll go sit by the tree in the orchard until mother has finished puttering about the kitchen," she thought.

She almost wished she were at home, gazing from her bed to the washstand and hearing her mother puttering about in the kitchen making breakfast; to Kedzie's young heart it was the superlative human luxury to know you ought to get up and not get up. She clambered to her feet and made what toilet she could while her seclusion lasted.

Burleson charges us a thousand dollars apiece, in our own private business, to save us fifty cents apiece in public? Who asked him to? It is true that there are people in America who really prefer to do business at a puttering kind of a store no matter how much time it costs them.

The effect of this marsh life upon the flight and song of these two species was very marked. They would get up just above the grass, and flutter and drop a puttering, short-winded, apoplectic struggle, very unbecoming and unworthy. By noon I had completed a circle and recrossed the lighthouse road in the direction of the bay. A thin sheet of lukewarm water lay over all this section.

Bertram and Cyril frankly demanded that William read them aloud; and even Pete always contrived to have some dusting or "puttering" within earshot a subterfuge quite well understood, but never reproved by any of the brothers.

One of those things he used to be always puttering over you may remember, Clara, mentioning, from time to time, those things he used to be puttering around with has been adopted with a whoop. A great fuss is being made over it. It looks as though Wayne was confronted with something that might be called a future."

So Johnnie slipped off the three-legged stool and watched while his father sat down and got the rest of the Muley Cow's milk in no time. "Farmer Green milked eight cows while that lazy boy was puttering with you," the little red cow said to the Muley Cow. "Well, well! I suppose Farmer Green had to learn to milk when he was a boy," the Muley Cow replied, as she flicked a big fly off her back.