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But when Phillotson was alone under the clouds of night, and no sound was audible but that of the purling tributaries of the Stour, he said, "So Gillingham, my friend, you had no stronger arguments against it than those!" "I think she ought to be smacked, and brought to her senses that's what I think!" murmured Gillingham, as he walked back alone.

The gnarled apple trees of the orchard still bore pink-and-white wreaths on the shady side, and the purling of bluebirds blended with the voice of the river that ran between the hills afar off the same stream that further up country was to be pent between walls and prisoned to make a reservoir.

"I shall report you as love-sick, or brain-sick, reclining by purling streams, under shady groves, to read Shakspeare, or Milton, or Spenser, for each of these books I have seen you at different times put in your pocket, and wander forth with a most sentimental air doubtless to make love to some Nymph or Dryad." "Make love! Ah! there, I take it, you have winged the right bird, Van Schaick."

She spoke rapidly, with the fluent ease natural to a well-bred woman. In the subdued light of the cosy room Harold made out a tall, slight figure, well set off by the tight-fitting ulster; she carried her head proudly, and seemed aristocratic to her finger-tips. "I should have known you anywhere, Mr. Purling," she went on, without a pause. "You are so like your dear mother.

Harold suddenly declared that he was sick of gallivanting about the fashionable world; sick of idleness sick of the silly purposeless existence he led; and thereupon announced his intention of studying medicine seriously and as a profession. Mrs. Purling was at first aghast, then argumentative, finally indignant. But Harold remained inflexible, and she grew more and more wrathful.

By the margin of the stream, apart from all, in a tranquil nook, where the purling brook kissed the green sward gently, Clara and Evelyn were at play, sometimes beating the water with large boughs, sometimes watching the summer-flies that sported upon it.

"He was going on, but she interrupted him with a loud laugh. 'Hold, hold, cried she; 'was there ever such a romantick description? I wonder how such silly ideas come into your head "shady bowers! and purling streams!" Heavens, how insipid! What! to be cooped up like a tame dove, only to coo, and bill, and breed? O, it would be a delicious life, indeed!"

Thus rapidly does the smoothing hand of time wipe out man and his works. But still the water ripples over the old, brown oak sill, and he who listens may hear the brook telling a story all day long in purling undertones. I fancy its language a simple one, too, but its words of one syllable tumble so swiftly over one another that, in spite of their liquid purity of tone, I never quite catch them.

Leek, assuming an oratorical attitude "here you have the umbrageous trees stooping down to dip their leaves in the purling waters; here you have the sweet foliage lending a delicious perfume to the balmy air; here you have the murmuring waterfalls playing music of the spheres to the listening birds, who sit responsive upon the dancing boughs; here you have all the fragrance of the briny ocean, mingling with the scent of a bank of violets, and wrapping the senses in Elysium; here you may never tire of an existence that presents never-ending charms, and that, in the full enjoyment of which, you may live far beyond the allotted span of man."

It is too much beauty; it is too soft; for, though it has its rocks and huge trees, yet it lacks wildness and sublimity. The rocks are not sufficiently abrupt, the steeps not sufficiently great; there are no chasms, no waterfalls only purling brooks and quiet walks." "I have felt this already," he replied; "but there is yet a deficiency which you have not expressed, Miss Cooper."