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Updated: August 24, 2024

There were several learned parrots who had a leaning to politics, and who exclaimed continually: 'Vive les Franqais! A bas les Prussiens! But the kind-hearted General Seidlitz did not wish to deprive the French army of the necessities of life; he therefore sent them their valets, cooks, hair-dressers, actresses, priests, etc. The perfumes and hair-oils he gave to his own soldiers."

Mort aux Prussiens!" In connexion with that last cry it was a curious circumstance that from the beginning to the end of the war the French persistently ignored the presence of Saxons, Wuertembergers, Hessians, Badeners, and so forth in the invading armies.

Utterly astounded at the negligence of the duke of Brunswick, he exclaimed, while comparing him with Mack, "Les Prussiens sont encore plus stupides que les Autrichiens!" On being informed by some prisoners that the Prussians expected him from Erfurt when he was already at Naumburg, he said, "Ils se tromperont furieusement, ces perruques."

Grahame, do you hear? do you hear?" "I hear!" shouted Grahame. "These horses are crazy; I can't hold them." The troops around them, hidden in the smoke, began to cheer frantically; the mitrailleuse whirred and rolled out its hail of death. "Vive la France! Mort aux Prussiens!" howled the soldiers.

The expression which they very commonly used, in speaking of the manner in which the English carried on the war in Spain, and in France, was, "loyauté." "Les Russes, et les Prussiens," they said, "sont des grands et beauxhommes, mais ils n'ont pas le cœur ou la loyauté des Anglais. Les Anglais sont la nation du monde qui font la guerre avec le plus de loyauté," &c.

"Their eyes pop out of their heads as if they saw Bismarck." There was an ominous movement among the throng. "Vive l'Anarchie! A bas les Prussiens!" yelled a beetle-browed Italian. "A bas les etrangers!" "My friend," said Clifford, pleasantly, "you've got a very vile accent yourself." "You're a Prussian!" screamed the man. Every one was now looking at them. Gethryn began to fume.

The daughter was terror-struck at the thought that the train might be stopped by the enemy which was regarded as very likely but laughed at times, and was divided between fear of the Prussians and exceeding anxiety to see them: "J'aimerais bien pouvoir dire que j'aie vu des Prussiens!"

I said this calmly, and hoped he would follow my example in delivering my message, but imagine if you can the effect produced by this frightened individual, who, lifting his hands in the air, cried out in terror, "Vite, vite, Monsieur le Cure'! Voila' les Prussiens!" I didn't wait to see what happened, but went out and joined my group, which was making ready to start.

"Mort aux Prussiens! À la lanterne, Badinguet! Vive la République!" Jack turned away from the window. The tall Sister of Mercy stood beside the bed where Lorraine lay. Jack made a sign. "She is asleep," murmured the Sister; "you may come nearer now. Close the window." Before he could reach the bed the door was opened violently from without, and an officer entered swinging a lantern.

No damage had been done in the Chamber itself, but as we quitted the building we noticed several inscriptions scrawled upon the walls. In some instances the words were merely "Vive la Republique!" and "Mort aux Prussiens!" At other times, however, they were too disgusting to be set down here.

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