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In their earlier work they were content modestly to put in practise the technical principles they had just been acquiring; and for a little while they sought scarcely more than mere technical adroitness.

For there is no class of society more prone to pity and relieve the poor than females in domestic service; and this virtue Mrs. Mivers had not laid aside, as many do, as soon as she was in a condition to practise it with effect. Mrs.

An Irish youngster named Malooney, a college chum of Dick's, was staying with us; and the afternoon being wet, the Captain said he would explain it to Malooney, how a young man might practise billiards without any danger of cutting the cloth. He taught him how to hold the cue, and he told him how to make a bridge. Malooney was grateful, and worked for about an hour. He did not show much promise.

Yet other Rules draw on the profounder deeps of wisdom and virtue, under a subtle guise of handsome behaviour. If youth can be won to excellence by love of beauty, who shall gainsay? It may occur to the polished reader that well-bred youths know and practise these rules of civility by instinct.

That woman would have let her unlucky husband smother to death in that oven before it would have occurred to her to move him out of it." "I rather wonder at your continuing to practise in a village like this, with that sort of people, when you have so much city work, and could do a large business with a city office." Burns stretched out an arm, thrusting his hand deep into the long grass.

So, Grandfather talked about the Puritans, as those persons were called who thought it sinful to practise the religious forms and ceremonies which the Church of England had borrowed from the Roman Catholics. These Puritans suffered so much persecution in England that, in 1607, many of them went over to Holland, and lived ten or twelve years at Amsterdam and Leyden.

I should have confuted him on every point if he had not astonished me by a prophecy he made. "Since it is from us," said he, "that you learnt what you know of religion, practise it in our fashion, pray like us, and know that you will only come out of this place on the day of the saint whose name you bear." So saying he gave me absolution, and left me.

"Unless," he added, "you'll sing me something. Do you sing or play?" "A little," I confessed. "Well, will you then?" "Why, yes, if you want me to." And I went over and sat down before the familiar keys. It was at that moment that I knew at last why I had taken lessons for so many years; why so much money had been put into expensive instruction, and so many hours devoted to daily practise.

May I go on when you've finished writing? 'I suppose so; but when I've quite finished it will be about your bedtime, I said, trying not to feel exasperated. 'Then, may I get up an hour earlier in the morning to practise, Mama, dear? There is something almost unnatural in the way that child fights her way through all obstacles to the piano and the monotony of Czerny.

'But, Maud, beware of prejudice; women are unjust and violent in their judgments. Your family has suffered in some of its members by such injustice. It behoves us to be careful not to practise it. That evening in the drawing-room my father said, in his usual abrupt way