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They don't feel strong like they did when I helped Uncle Tucker mow the south pasture and turn the corn chopper they're weak and and sorter useless and empty. Tell Stonie he could beat me bear-hugging any day now. Has Tobe discovered any new adventure in aromatics lately, and can little Poteet sit up and take notice? Help, help, I'm getting so homesick that I'm about to cry and fall into the ink!

By knocking the sheriff of the county over the head with a chair, and putting a bullet through a saloon-keeper who bullied everybody, Poteet won the reputation of being a man of marked shrewdness and common sense, and Gullettsville was proud of him, in a measure. But he never liked Gullettsville.

He endeavoured to discuss the matter with his wife, but Puss Poteet was not the woman to commit herself. She was a Mountain Sphinx. "I'm afeard Sis is ailin'," said Teague, upon one occasion. "Well," replied Puss, "she ain't complainin'." "That's hit," Teague persisted; "she hain't complainin'. That's what pesters me.

These women, living miles apart on the mountain and its spurs, had a habit of "picking up their work" and spending the day with each other. Upon one occasion it chanced that Mrs. Sue Parmalee and Mrs. Puritha Hightower rode ten miles to visit Mrs. Puss Poteet. "Don't lay the blame of it onter me, Puss," exclaimed Mrs.

He was bare-headed, his bands were full of papers, and he had the air of a man of business. The younger men who had gathered around Squire Pleasants and Teague Poteet fell back loungingly as Woodward came forward with just the faintest perplexed smile. "Judge Pleasants," he said, "I'm terribly mixed up, and I'll have to ask you to unmix me."

"Them air Restercrats kin go wher' they dang please; I'm a-gwine to stay right slambang in the United States." There was a little pause, as if the man on horseback was considering the matter. Then the response came "Here's at you!" "Can't you 'light?" asked Poteet. "Not now," said the other; "I'll git on furder." The man on horseback rode on across the mountain to his home.

Seeing Rose Mary at the wall, they both smiled and started in her direction, the bearer of the bundle stepping carefully across the ditch at the side of the walk. "Lands alive, Rose Mary, you never did see nothing as pretty as this last Poteet baby," exclaimed Mrs. Plunkett enthusiastically. "The year before last one, let me see, weren't that Evelina Virginia, Mis' Poteet?

I wonder what next," and Sister Poteet, in conjunction with the entire society, gasped and held their eager breaths, awaiting the entrance of the subject of conversation. Sister Spicer went to the front door to let her in, and she was greeted with the greatest cordiality by everybody. "We were just talking about you and wondering why you were so late coming," cried Sister Poteet.

She moved like one distracted. She rushed past them, crying "They uv killed little Ab! They uv killed him. Oh, Lordy! they uv killed little Ab!" She ran up the road a little distance and then came running back; she had evidently recognised Poteet.

"Yes, and I'm a-going to report you to the society of suppression of men folks as a regular spiler, Rose Mary Alloway, if you don't keep more stern than you are at present with me and Stonie, to say nothing of all the men members of Sweetbriar from Everett clean on through Crabtree down to that very young Tucker Poteet.