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"And he not here!" said Ursula, taking the volume to read the passage. "The siege of Privat was remarkable for the loss of a great number of officers. Two brigadier-generals died there namely, the Marquis d'Uxelles, of a wound received at the outposts, and the Marquis de Portes, from a musket-shot through the head. The day the latter was killed he was to have been made a marshal of France.

The evolution of a burlesque form of cavalry, called the corps of the Portes Cochères, formed by a conscription of one horseman for every house with a carriage gate, became the derision of the royal army. They issued forth, beplumed and beribboned, and fled back to the city, amid the execrations of the people, at the sight of a handful of troops.

Victor, were demolished, and triumphal arches, which still remain, erected to mark the sites of the Portes St. Denis and St. Martin. Another arch, of St.

"Pardon, monsieur, vos ancetres etaient Catholiques jusqu'au temps de Henri Huit." "Mais il y a trois cents ans depuis le temps de Henri Huit." "Eh bien; chacun a ses convictions; vous ne parlez pas contre la religion?" "Jamais, jamais, monsieur, j'ai un respect enorme pour l'eglise Catholique." "Monsieur, faites comme chez vous; allez ou vous voulez; vous trouverez toutes les portes ouvertes.

His defence of M. de Portes is worthy of Demosthenes. He came every year within a quarter of a league of the Hermitage to pass the vacation at St. Brice, in the fife of Mauleon, belonging to his mother, and where the great Bossuet had formerly lodged. This is a fief, of which a like succession of proprietors would render nobility difficult to support.

At tea-time conversation turned on the various beautiful things which the room contained its Nattiers, its Gobelins, its two dessus de portes by Boucher, and its two cabinets, of which one had belonged to Beaumarchais and the other to the Appartement du Dauphin at Versailles. Daphne restrained herself for a time, asked questions, and affected no special knowledge.

I just caught this: "N'oubliez jamais, bien chère Madame, qu'une église a deux portes." Héloise said she would not forget, and he thanked her rapturously; but what it meant I don't know. They have both smiled often since so I expect it is some French idiom for reconciliation. The crowd on the pier was common, and we returned to Frascati's garden.

It was quite a novelty at first to begin taking my meals regularly again and as there was an abundance of everything, I began to thoroughly enjoy the trip. We would tie up every night and I occupied the cabin. "At Portes de Rodas, the first town we struck in Portugal, I met with a peculiarly Portuguese reception.

But before they diuided themselues, they altogether consulted, of and about a certaine and speciall place for their meeting againe after the lading of their goods at their seuerall portes.

In the neighborhood, the spaces beneath the portes cocheres were encumbered with wounded. One felt oneself aimed at by some person whom one did not see, and one understood that guns were levelled at the whole length of the street.