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But then he would have been just as happy with his mother anywhere. Whereas Willey Farm he loved passionately. He loved the little pokey kitchen, where men's boots tramped, and the dog slept with one eye open for fear of being trodden on; where the lamp hung over the table at night, and everything was so silent.

"Please, Billy," she pleaded, in a shrill whisper, "please let's listen. He's going to propose to her now, and you've no idea how funny he is when he proposes. Oh, don't be so pokey, Billy do let's listen!" But Mr. Woods had risen with a strange celerity and was about to leave the summer-house. Margaret pouted. Mrs. Saumarez and Mr.

Yontovdik " "Braces, best braces, all " "Yontovdik! Only one shilling " "It's the Rav's orders, mum; all legs of mutton must be porged or my license " "Cowcumbers! Cowcumbers!" "Now's your chance " "The best trousers, gentlemen. Corst me as sure as I stand " "On your own head, you old " Arbah " "My old man's been under an operation " "Hokey Pokey! Yontovdik! Hokey "

"I have signed a statement that I shot myself; bad trade and drink, both true both true." His eyes were closed. Anna left the room on tiptoe. She and Courtlaw drove homewards together. Sir John, in a quiet dark travelling suit, was sitting in a pokey little room writing letters.

Another objectionable circumstance is, that the pokey unknowns support each other in being unimpressible. They persist in not being frightened by the gold and silver camels, and they are banded together to defy the elaborately chased ice-pails.

"Let's see," Phoebe went on. "Here's my box with the letters an' miniature, here's the box with the jewelry, an' here's that book Mrs. Bolton gave me about Bacon writin' Shakespeare." "Whatever air ye takin' that old book fer, Phoebe?" "Why, to read on the train I mean on the way, ye know. We'll likely find it pretty pokey in that one room all day."

And it is such a pokey, stuffy little place! Then Lady Carbury spoke out her mind. 'Felix, I think you must be a fool. I have given over ever expecting that you would do anything to please me. I sacrifice everything for you and I do not even hope for a return.

Twemlow; blessed release for the dear man if she really was his daughter, nervous even under the pretence that she is, well he may be. Mrs Veneering; never saw such velvet, say two thousand pounds as she stands, absolute jeweller's window, father must have been a pawnbroker, or how could these people do it? Attendant unknowns; pokey.

I held the cork down for a second with my thumb, while I uttered once more, in my most awesome tone, the mystic words: "Hokey pokey winky wum!" then I let it fly suddenly. The soda-water was well up. The cork bounded to the ceiling; the contents of the bottle spurted out over the place in the most impressive fashion. For a minute the Lamas drew back alarmed. The thing seemed almost devilish.

Ducker had decided the church they would attend when the session opened, and what day she would have, and many other important things that it is well to have one's mind made up on and not leave to the last. Maudie Ducker had been taken into the secret, and began to feel sorry for the other little girls whose papas were contented to let them live always in such a pokey little place as Millford.