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LAXATIVES. The best laxatives are caster oil, salad oil, compound rhubarb pills, honey, stewed prunes, stewed rhubarb, Muscatel raisins, figs, grapes, roasted apples, baked pears, stewed Normandy pippins, coffee, brown-bread and treacle. Scotch oatmeal made with new milk or water, or with equal parts of milk and water.

"Do you, now? I wonder if it bows back. I'll book your bet." "Very good. Make it fancy pippins." Verelst stood up. "Fancy is the only term that could be applied them." "And of such is the Kingdom of Heaven," Jones told himself as the old man moved away. He looked about. The great room had filled.

The pippins, golden and russet the pears, jargonelle and good-christian the cherries, both black and white heart still thrived; while under their shade, grew hips, haws, crabs, sloes, and blackberries, happy to be shaded from rain, dews, and fierce sun-shine, and unenvious of roses, cherries, apples, damsons, and mulberries; their self-defended, and more aristocratic cousins.

Another contribution from a source, to which nobody would have thought of turning, but a few years ago; but which is now beginning to yield fruit abundantly and of an excellent flavor, sound, wholesome and trustworthy; not those warm cheeked and golden pippins of the Red Sea, which 'turn to ashes on the lips' but something you may bite with all your strength, of a grapy, and oftentimes of a peachy flavor.

On country roads, at fair time, the traveler will see barefoot girls who are women, and just suspecting it, who have cheeks like ripe pippins; laughing eyes with long, dark, wicked lashes; teeth like ivory; necks of perfect poise; and waists that, never having known a corset, are pure Greek. Of course, these girls are aware that we admire them how could they help it?

Take the quickest Pippins, when they are newly gathered, and are sharp; Pare and Core and cut them into half quarters. Put to them their weight of the finest Sugar in Powder, or broken into little pieces. Put upon these in your preserving pan, as much fountain water, as will even cover them. Boil them with a quick-fire, till by trying a little upon a Plate, you find it gellieth.

'Good-bye, my man, said Sir Giles, again shaking hands with me. Then turning anew to the housekeeper, for such I found she was, he added: 'Couldn't you find a bag for him, and fill it with some of those brown pippins? They're good eating, ain't they? 'With pleasure, Sir Giles. Thereupon Sir Giles withdrew, closing the door behind him, and leaving me with the sense of life from the dead.

No, the burnished golden pippins that peeped through the leaves in the western rays of evening, and made the mouths of the Ballyfermot school-boys water, glowed undisturbed in the morning sunbeams, and secure in the mysterious tutelage of the night smiled coyly on their predatory longings. And this was no fanciful reserve and avoidance.

Put these in a Silver Plate, or on such a one as will not communicate any ill taste to them, and pour over them a Syrup made of Pippins, Water and Sugar boil'd till it is a Jelly, and add a little White Wine; then stew them gently over a clear Fire till they are tender; and serve them with fine Sugar sifted upon them. In some Cafes they pour Cream upon them. Red Peach Tarts. From the same.

To this it was replied, in that and the next generation, that cultivated vines have been transmitted by perpetual division from the time of the Romans, and that several of the sorts, still prized and prolific, are well identified, among them the ancient Graecula, considered to be the modern Corinth or currant grape, which has immemorially been seedless; that the old nonpareil apple was known in the time of Queen Elizabeth; that the white beurre pears of France have been propagated from the earliest times; and that golden pippins, St.