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Updated: August 16, 2024

Haow Sam'l kin waste so much time in sleep, I can't understand." "I don't think he is asleep," said No. 3. "When I was up-stairs jest now fer my slippers, I heard him kind o' sniffin' inter his piller." The laugh which followed brought the keeper out of the office in his carpet slippers, a patchwork quilt over his shoulders.

"'I wants to thank my defender, she says. "'You ain't onder no obligations, whatever, ma'am', says Cherokee, risin' up a little, while Faro Nell puts another goose-h'ar piller onder him. 'I simply prefers to do my fightin' in the canyon to doin' it at the ford; that's all. It's only a matter of straight business; nothin' more'n a preference I has.

He'd wake up, a-layin' there warm and comfortable on his soft goose feather piller and say to me: "Been out to tend to your 'horse corset, have you?" "Horse corset! 'Wall, what if it wuz?" Such language way along in the night, from a warm comfortable pardner to a cold one, is apt to make some words back and forth.

'I think I'll have some tea and toast, she says, casual-like, jest as if she'd been callin' fer victuals ev'ry day fer a month past. An' when I brought it, if she didn't drag herself up in bed an' call fer a piller to her back, so's she could set up. An' there she stayed, pantin' an' gaspin', but <i>settin' up</i> an' she stayed there till the toast an' tea was gone." "Gosh!" groaned Jim.

"It's a strange woman's step," said Old Sophy, who, with her exclusive love for Elsie, was naturally disposed to jealousy of a new-comer. "Let Ol' Sophy set at 'th' foot o' th' bed, if th' young missis sets by th' piller, won' y', darlin'? The' 's nobody that's white can love y' as th' of black woman does; don' sen' her away, now, there 's a dear soul!"

Let me see her! 'n' how I run up-stairs, I could run then, 'n' got the coral necklace 'n' put it round her little neck, 'n' then showed her to her mother, 'n' how her mother looked at her, 'n' looked, 'n' then put out her poor thin fingers 'n' lifted the necklace, 'n' fell right back on her piller, as white as though she was laid out to bury?"

It was a silly thing to say, seeing that that was just wot 'ad 'appened, and Ginger told 'im wot 'e'd do for 'im when 'e'd finished with Isaac. He went at the old man agin, but 'e never 'ad a chance, and in about three minutes 'e was very glad to let Peter 'elp 'im into bed. "It's your turn to fight him now, Peter," he ses. "Just move this piller so as I can see." "Come on, lad," ses the old man.

"It's a strange woman's step," said Old Sophy, who, with her exclusive love for Elsie, was naturally disposed to jealousy of a new-comer. "Let Ol' Sophy set at 'th' foot o' th' bed, if th' young missis sets by th' piller, won' y', darlin'? The' 's nobody that's white can love y' as th' of black woman does; don' sen' her away, now, there 's a dear soul!"

Wouldn't you like a piller to your back? you look so kind of feeble seems as if you wanted to be propped up a mite."

"It's a strange woman's step," said Old Sophy, who, with her exclusive love for Elsie, was naturally disposed to jealousy of a new-comer. "Lot Ol' Sophy set at th' foot o' th' bed, if th' young missis sets by th' piller, won' y', darlin'? The' 's nobody that's white can love y' as th' ol' black woman does; don' sen' her away, now, there's a dear soul!"

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