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Blunt and difficult to lead, not out of hardness of heart or obstinate pigheadedness, but as Burns has put it: "For the glorious priviledge Of being independant." A few such are to be found in all our rural villages if one looks for them; and if they are the exceptions to the general rule, it must also be remembered that men with "character" are equally rare amongst the upper and middle classes.

She wrote a long letter to her brother much more confidential than her letters to him had lately been telling him how much she had suffered on his behalf, and describing to him with great energy the perverseness, malignity, and general pigheadedness of her late friend. Then she wrote an anonymous letter to Mrs.

There appears in his experiences something in such rule which we are perhaps apt to forget in a vision of stately Eastern princes and gallant Eastern warriors, something more tyrannical even than the dull pigheadedness of Prussianism. I mean the most atrocious of all tortures, which is called caprice.

"We want you to get out of this trouble and strike your old gait again. You are simply killing your practice through your infernal pigheadedness. Now this thing is out of the ordinary, but there must be ways to to beat the game somehow, you see.

Carrying his rosary in his hand, clothed entirely in white, his features bore traces of servility and sensuality, the result of poisoning the Arab and Berber blood with the strain from Central Africa. Slavery is proving fatal to the Moorish race. Unlike the well-bred Moor, the basha's face was deeply lined: cruelty, cunning, pigheadedness, all fought for the upper hand in his swarthy countenance.

Make me a millionaire, and I will purchase the passionate devotion of any free-hearted woman the world contains!" Waymark's pipe had gone out; he re-lit it, with the half-mocking smile which always followed upon any more vehement utterance. "That I am poor," he went on presently, "is the result of my own pigheadedness. My father was a stock-broker, in anything but flourishing circumstances.

So that brave, sweet little girl down here could have her heart's desire. She's established her business she's proved her point she's won the town most of it; and there's nothing on earth to make her unhappy now but your pigheadedness! Young man, I tell you you're a plumb fool!" One cannot throw one's host out of his own swift-flying car; nor is it wise to jump out one's self.

But when the matter is of common interest to the whole community, and the doing or not doing something affects everybody, the majority must have their way; unless the minority were to take up arms and show by force that they were the effective or real majority; which, however, in a society of men who are free and equal is little likely to happen; because in such a community the apparent majority is the real majority, and the others, as I have hinted before, know that too well to obstruct from mere pigheadedness; especially as they have had plenty of opportunity of putting forward their side of the question."

Every species is vague, every term goes cloudy at its edges, and so in my way of thinking, relentless logic is only another phrase for a stupidity, for a sort of intellectual pigheadedness.

For the English character, in spite of the pigheadedness of many Englishmen, he had as he would have said himself much admiration, and he thought that the life of a country gentleman, with a nice place of his own with such a very nice place of his own as was Ongar Park and so very nice an income, would suit him well in his declining years.