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It was not very easy for a priest to pronounce from the pulpit an eulogium on the poet and dramatic author who had strayed so far from the paths of grace and the early teachings of Port Royal, where the "petit Racine" had been looked upon as a model pupil destined to rise high in the ecclesiastical world; but the orator made us see through the sombre tragedies of Phèdre, Britannicus and others the fine nature of the poet, who understood so humanly the passions that tempt and warp the soul, and showed a spirit of tolerance very remarkable in those days.

There was as fine an opportunity for Aricia to show some power as for Phèdre, but the automaton who represented Aricia had no power to show. Oenon, whom I took to be the sister Sarah, was something of an actress, but her part was so hateful that no one could applaud her.

"Stay with us. I'll teach you Phèdre." "Ah Phædra, Phædra!" Basil Dashwood vaguely ejaculated, looking more gentlemanly than ever. "You've learned all I've taught you, but where the devil have you learned what I haven't?" Madame Carré went on. "I've worked I have; you'd call it work all through the bright, late summer, all through the hot, dull, empty days.

The younger theologians listened to him disdainfully, but at last M. Arnauld said out loud, "If things are as he says, he is right, and such tragedy is harmless." Boileau declared that he had never felt so pleased in his life. M. Arnauld being reconciled to Phedre, the principal step was made next day the author of the tragedy presented himself.

"She is, I think, the equal to some of the greatest tragedienes," and when they told Esperance she said, "Is he still here?" looking towards the salon. "No, he did not wish to weary you. He only left this note:" "You were divine in Phedre, delightfully feminine in Barberine. No one is happier at your phenomenal success than your always devoted, Albert Styvens."

But the responsibility which this put upon me made me timid. Regnier accepted, and made an appointment with me for the following morning at nine o'clock. Roselia Rousseil persisted in her demand to the committee, and Phedre was billed for December 21, with Mlle. Sarah Bernhardt for the first time in the role of Phedre. This caused quite a sensation in the artistic world and in theatrical circles.

These thirty-six costumes cost me sixty-one thousand francs; but out of this my costume for Phedre alone cost four thousand francs. The poor artist-costumier had embroidered it himself. It was a marvel. It was brought to me two days before my departure, and I cannot think of this moment without emotion.

In RACINE'S, the parts of Athalie and of Phedre in the tragedies of the same name, of Agrippine in Britannicus, of Clitemnestre in Iphigenie en Aulide, and of Roxane in Bajazet. In VOLTAIRE'S, those of Merope and Semiramis; and, lastly, that of Medee in the tragedy by LONGEPIERRE.

Wagner, therefore, in "Tristram and Iseult," makes use of the philtre, as Shakespeare of the witches in "Macbeth," Racine of the oracle of Calchas in "Iphigenia" and of Venus' hatred in "Phèdre." We have travelled in a circle, and find ourselves back once more at the very heart of the craving of former days.

But at the final revocation of the Edict of Nantes, he thought his conscience, or rather his vanity, compromised, and quitted France, although the King offered to allow him a chaplain of his communion, and a dispensation from all the oaths, to Petitot himself, to Boyer, his brother-in-law, and the chaplain whom they had retained with them. Lovers' Vows. The Body-guards. Racine's Phedre. The Pit.