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"I can imagine why," Benedetto answered, dropping his eyes. "Peccatum meum contra me est semper." "Rise!" the Abbot commanded, still inflexible. "I expel you from the monastery. You will now go and take leave of Don Clemente, in his cell, and then you will depart, never to return. Do you understand?"

However, the matter is clearly and definitely dealt with by the General Council of Lateran and by the Bulls, Quod a nobis and Ex proximo, of Pope Pius V. . This Pope expressly states that wilful omission of the Divine Office is a grave sin "grave peccatum intelligat se commissise."

The learned Casuists teach us, that an erring conscience, though non obligat, yet ligat; though we be not obliged to do that which it prescribeth, yet are we bound not to do that which it condemneth. Quicquid fit repugnante et reclamante conscientia, peccatum est, etiamsi repugnantia ista gravem errorem includat, saith Alsted.

It may be said that the Company are not answerable for crimes committed by their servants without their knowledge. True; but when they are made fully acquainted with those misdeeds, and allow the perpetrators to escape with impunity, the guilt is transferred to their own head; "invitat culpam qui peccatum præterit."

Cave ne cadas! I'm not going to play monte with you any more, and we'll not set up a bank together. You deny the omnipotence of God, peccatum mortale! You deny the existence of the Holy Trinity three are one and one is three! Take care! You indirectly deny that two natures, two understandings, and two wills can have only one memory! Be careful! Quicumque non crederit anathema sit!"

The full title of the work is Hadriani Beverlandi peccatum originale philogice elucubratum, a Themidis alumno. He seems to have followed Henri Cornelius Agrippa in his idea that the sin of our first parents arose from sexual desire.

However, when the bishop, growing more composed, remained still silent, he could not forbear offering him a trifle of consolation. 'Don't grieve so, Pendle! he said, laying his hand on the other's shoulder; 'it is not your fault that you are in this position. The bishop sighed, and murmured with a shake of his head, 'Omnis qui facit peccatum, servus est peccati!

Then the owners of stools sat down on them, some leant on adjacent pillars, others curled themselves on the floor, but most remained on their feet as unwilling to miss a word, and of these were Tibble Steelman and his companion. Omnis qui facit peccatum, servus est peccati, followed by the rendering in English, "Whosoever doeth sin is sin's bond thrall."

God will arise, some day, and, addressing the Protestant oppressor, he will say to him: Thou hast sinnedgrievously sinned; but the Catholic governments, on all hands, have still more grievously sinned. Majus peccatum habent.” At the time of the Piedmontese invasion, there were in the city of Rome, one hundred and sixty-eight colleges or public schools.

The latter half of the commandment, I think, shows what is meant. `Non adorabis ea, neque coles' `thou shalt not worship them. At the same time, Saint Paul saith, `Omne autem, quod non est ex fide, peccatum est' `all that is not of faith is sin; and `nisi ei qui existimat quid commune esse, illi commune est': namely, `to him who esteemeth a thing unclean, to him it is unclean. If thou really believest it sin, by no means allow thyself to do it."