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Hugh and I shall be married next December, D.V., not before. We will be married quietly in London and go abroad. I shall have a few tailor-made gowns from Vernon, but I shall wait for my other things till I am in Paris on my way back. The boys will be at school by then. Pauly is rather young, but they had better go together, and they need not come home for the holidays just at first.

"No," she said. "He may not have cared much about them, but that is no reason why they should forget he is their father." So Teddy and Pauly stared with round eyes at the crowd, and at the coffin, and the wealth of flowers, and the deep grave in which their old friend and play-fellow was laid. Perhaps they did not understand. They did not cry. "They are like their father.

Those who spoke against it were Senators George H. Sullivan, F. A. Duxbury and F. H. Pauly. It failed by one vote and was not brought up in the House. A Presidential suffrage bill was also introduced but did not come to a vote. The suffrage work was confined to the Presidential suffrage bill which was defeated in the Senate by two votes.

She had been unable to believe that if Lord Newhaven had drawn the short lighter he would remain quietly here over the dreadful morrow, under the same roof as Teddy and Pauly. Oh, surely nothing horrible could happen so near them! Yet he seemed to have no intention of leaving Westhope. Then, perhaps, he had not drawn the short lighter, after all.

Undine was glad to be relieved of her burden, for she was unused to the child's weight, and disliked to feel that her skirt was dragging on the pavement. "Go to the gentleman, Pauly he'll carry you better than mother," she said.

Then his glance fell anxiously on the children. "Teddy and Pauly," he said, "promise me that you will both play on this one bit of sand, and not go in the water till I come back." They promised, staring bewildered at their father. In another moment Lord Newhaven was tearing through the brushwood that fringed the water's edge.

Tell 'em something's come up I have to go over with Roscoe, and tell 'em to come back day after to-morrow at two. You needn't come in to let me know they're gone; we don't want to be disturbed. Tell Pauly to call my house and send Claus down here with a closed car. We may have to go out. Tell him to hustle, and call me at Roscoe's room as soon as the car gets here. 'T's all!"

The main difference between people seems to be that one man can come under obligations on which you can rely is obligable and another is not. As he has not a law within him, there's nothing to tie him to. "Father," said Teddy to Lord Newhaven, "do do be a horse, and I will ride you in the water." "Me, too," said Pauly. "I am not anxious to be a horse, Teddy. I'm quite content as I am."

Tolley, elegantly adding, when the door had closed behind him: "And leave me tell you right now that somebody was real fond of children to raise YOU!" "An' I'm not planning to spend the heyday of my girlhood ironing napkins for you, Pauly Pet!" said Min, reaching for his discarded napkin and folding it severely into a wooden ring.