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Presently his singular demeanor attracts her attention, a curl of sarcasm is seen on her lip, her brow darkens, her dark orbs flash as of fire, all the heart-burnings of a soul stung with shame are seen to quicken and make ghastly those features that but a moment before shone lambent as summer lightning.

The lady softly repeated the Zu-Vendi word for 'hand', and he took hers; 'eyes', and he gazed deep into her brown orbs; 'lips', and but just at that moment my young lady dropped the cockroach down my back and ran away laughing.

She gazed at me in evident wonder, and her eyes sparkled like two shining orbs. "You have returned?" she exclaimed, as if in doubt of my bodily reality. "Countess Diodora is asleep," I said, "and will not wake until the morning. Pray, take care not to disturb her." "And you you did not remain there?" pointing to the room I left. "I have done all I could, and my staying would be of no use to her.

The glitter of the four orbs which filled the crevice caused most peculiar sensations on the part of the boys who saw them. "Ain't you not ashamed mit yourselves!" exclaimed Otto, quickly bringing his gun to his shoulder and firing directly through the opening. "I teaches you mit better manners."

But, looking in that direction, Jack caught the gleam of a pair of eyes, peering from the gloom like the orbs of a jungle tiger gathering himself for a spring. Nothing could be seen but the glow of the eyes, that seemed to have something of the phosphorescence of the cat species, but he could not mistake the meaning of what he saw.

"Remove the shroud, please, and let me look at poor old Roderer. Thanks. How natural he tastes." Then to Lorelei: "The governor is a woman-hater; but, just the same, I'm glad you drew Merkle instead of him to-night, or there'd surely be a scandal in the Wharton family. No man is safe in range of your liquid orbs, Miss Knight, unless he has his marriage license sewed into his clothes.

I said: "Bring him to my lecture. I'll start him for you." "Oh, if you could but do it! If you could but do it, all our family would bless you for evermore for he is so very dear to us. Oh, my benefactor, can you make him laugh? can you bring soothing tears to those parched orbs?" I was profoundly moved. I said: "My son, bring the old party round.

The stars she remembered seeing from the earth were only pin-points in the darkness compared with the myriads of blazing orbs which were now shooting their rays across the black void of Space. So many millions of new ones had come into view, that she looked in vain for the familiar constellations. She saw only vast clusters of living gems of every colour crowding the heavens on every side of her.

Was it the storm of restrained passions; was it some power coming from the depths of the soul, which enlarged the pupils in full daylight as they sometimes in other eyes enlarge by night, darkening the azure of those celestial orbs?

It was a terrible criticism cut into me like a surgeon's lance. Made me silent the whole walk home. As in a swoon, one instant, Another sun, ineffable, full-dazzles me, And all the orbs I knew and brighter, unknown orbs; One instant of the future land, Heaven's land.