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"Ah! then, Muster Gashford," said Flinders, with the deepest pathos, "it's yer own mother would plade wid ye for the poor boy's life, av she was here think o' that. Sure he's young and inexparienced, an' it's the first offince he's iver committed " "No, not the first" interrupted Gashford. "The first that I knows on," returned Flinders. "Tell me does Westly know of this proposal of yours?"

"I am right, I say: I remember it well, for although I wasn't there myself, my father was, an' I often h'ard him say God rest his sowl!" here he reverently took off his hat and looked upwards "I often h'ard him say that Paddy Keenan gave Mullin the first knock-down blow, an' Pether I mane no disrespect, but far from it give us your hand, man alive you're going to be married upon my shisther to-morrow, plaise God! masther, you'll come, remimber? you'll be as welcome as the flowers o' May, masther so, Pether, as I was sayin' I mane no offince nor disrespect to you or yours, for you are, an' ever was, a daisent family, an' well able to fight your corner when it came upon you but still, Pether an' for all that I say it an' I'll stand to it I'll stand it that's the chat! that, man for man, there never was one o' your seed, breed, or generation able to fight a Keenan that's the chat! here's luck!

Hell soon be sleepin' beside her, beyant there, where she's lyin'. It was never known of Peter Connell that he offinded man, woman, or child since he was born, barrin' the gaugers, bad luck to thim, afore he was marrid but that was no offince. Sowl, he was their match, any how. When he an' the wife's gone, they won't lave their likes behind them.

Dunleavy aloud, "and there's nobody I can ask a civil question, with every one that ought to be me neighbors stopping their mouths, and keeping black grudges whin 't was meself got all the offince." "Faix 't was meself got the whack on me nose," responded Mrs. Connelly quite unexpectedly. She was looking squarely at the window where Mrs. Dunleavy sat behind the screen of blue mosquito netting.

And were it not that I confront the offince with your own ignorance, I would expose you before the townland in which we stand; ay, to the whole parish but I spare you, out of respect to my own consequence." "I ax your pardon," said the brother, "I won't offind you in the same way again. What I said, I said to you as I thought a brother might I ax your pardon!"

"Troth, whoever you are, you have the advantage of me," replied the good-natured farmer, "and besides I believe you're right I'm afraid I've given offince; and as we have gone so far but no, dang my buttons, I won't I was going to try 'Kiss my Lady, along wid Dandy, it goes beautiful on the dulcimer but but ah, not half so well as on a purty pair of lips.

I take no offince if she changes her moind. I am used t' sich goin's on, ma'am, an' I know my place an' don't wish t' dictate. Wan quart or two quarts or three quarts is all th' same t' me." "Bridget," said Mrs. Fenelby, laying down her sewing, "do we need three quarts of milk?" "No, ma'am," said Bridget. "Well," asked Mrs. Fenelby, "are two quarts too much?" "No, ma'am," said Bridget.

He knew if he'd hand it to one, the other would take offince, and then he was in a great puzzle, striving to raison with them; but long Paddy Doran caught it while he was spaking to Flanagan, and the next instant Flanagan measured him with a heavy loaded whip, and left, him stretched upon the stones. And now the work began: for by this time the friends of both parties came up and joined them.

'No, indeed, says the waiver; 'you have the advantage o' me. 'To be sure I have, says the king, moighty high; 'sure, ain't I the King o' Dublin? says he. The waiver dhropped down an his two knees forninst the king, and says he, 'I beg God's pardon and yours for the liberty I tuk; plaze your holiness, I hope you'll excuse it. 'No offince, says the king; 'get up, good man.

It's only throwing pearls before swine." "I didn't mane to offind you," replied the warm-hearted brother; "I meant you no offince in what I said, so don't take it ill we'll have Sobersides out in no time and barrin' an extra rubbin' down to both of you, neither will be the worse, I hope."