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"There is not sufficient ample supply of vaccination for all this population," said the man. "They destroyed the offeecial calf." They won't know the difference. Scrape 'em and give me a couple of lancets; I'll attend to the elders." The aged diplomat who had demanded protection was the first victim. He fell to Chinn's hand and dared not cry out.

And so it is with any other man of us. We talk sometimes about turquoises and sometimes about tarkeean, but always with that little stop in the words. It is verree easy. First, "Son of the Charm", if you are in a tight place. Perhaps that may help you perhaps not. Then what I have told you about the tarkeean, if you want to transact offeecial business with a strange man.

The Baron was happy; and that is to say that his laughter re-echoed from the shining mirrors, his tongue was loosed, his heart expanded, his glass seemed ever empty. "Ach, how to make zis joie de vivre to last beyond to-night!" he cried. "May ze Teufel fly off mit of offeecial duties and receptions and and even mit my vife for a few days." "My dear Baron!"

"There is not sufficient ample supply of vaccination for all this population," said the man. "They destroyed the offeecial calf." "They won't know the difference. Scrape 'em and give me a couple of lancets; I'll attend to the elders." The aged diplomat who had demanded protection was the first victim. He fell to Chinn's hand and dared not cry out.

Of course, at present, you have no offeecial business. You are ah ha! supernumerary on probation. Quite unique specimen. If you were Asiatic of birth you might be employed right off; but this half-year of leave is to make you de-Englishized, you see?

And also I will embody your name in my offeecial report when matter is finally adjudicated. It will be a great feather in your cap. That is why I come really. 'Humph! The end of the tale, I think, is true; but what of the fore-part? 'About the Five Kings? Oah! there is ever so much truth in it. A lots more than you would suppose, said Hurree earnestly. 'You come eh?

If A'd no talk about Tam would ye talk aboot ye'sel's? Naw! Ye'd go oop an' doon, fichtin' an' deein' wi'oot a waird. If ye'll talk aboot ye'sel's A'll no talk aboot Tam. A' knaw ma duty, Mister Carter A'm the offeecial boaster o' the wing an' the coor, an' whin they bring me doon wi' a bullet in ma heid, A' hope ye'll engage anither like me." "There isn't another like you, Tam," laughed Carter.

Here was a new craft that a man could tuck away in his head and by the look of the large wide world unfolding itself before him, it seemed that the more a man knew the better for him. Said the Babu when he had talked for an hour and a half 'I hope some day to enjoy your offeecial acquaintance.

The pairish wud be lifted; an' ye wud look weel walkin' afore him in his lace." "Dinna plead wi' me, wumman; a' wud gie a half-year's wages tae see him in his grandeur; but it 's offeecial, div ye no see, an' canna be used except by a Moderator. Na, na, ye can dust and stroke it, but ye 'll never see yon coat on the Doctor."

"This delay is perfectly scandalous, station-master. I shall certainly report it in Calcutta." "Would you care, sir, to enter offeecial complaint in book kept for that purpose?" "By George! I will!" answered the man of jute and indigo, hot with indignation.