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There he waited, trembling with fear, chained by curiosity, and ready to leap away in arrowy flight should the sun wink on the tell-tale brightness of steel or the noosed rope dart whispering through the air above him. But there was no such sign of danger. The man came steadily on with his right hand stretched out palm up in the age-old token of amity, and as he approached he kept talking.

Arriving within view of them, their astonishment was not diminished, on perceiving that the three horses were rearing and dancing over the ground, as if endeavouring to break loose from their fastenings! Each had been tied to a separate branch of the tree their bridles being simply noosed over the twigs at the extremities of the branches; and allowing them to play to the full length of the rein.

I don't know whether I can do it or not. And how am I to get the end again?" "Can't you catch it with your pole?" Charley looked at the pole. He had let go of it when he noosed the bear, but it had lodged in a branch within reach. "Here goes," he said. "I'll try." Cautiously he unwrapped one winding from the limb.

"Hubert, I do not know why we are born to struggle and to suffer and at last be noosed with the rope of Doom. Yet I hope the priests are right and that we live again, though Solomon thought not so; that is, if we live where there is neither sin nor sorrow nor fear of death.

By this time Arabella had joined her husband, and Jude, rope in hand, got into the sty, and noosed the affrighted animal, who, beginning with a squeak of surprise, rose to repeated cries of rage.

The local discharge of pus and blood becomes daily more and more fetid, and the poor animal becomes an object of disgust. In the first variety of polypus, where it is practicable, the soft and vascular excrescence should be excised with a pair of scissors or a small knife, or it may be noosed by a ligature of silk or of silver wire, or twisted off with a pair of forceps.

Therefore, with the assurance begotten of a conviction that they had succeeded in hoodwinking their foes of the preceding evening, they boldly ran out along the great spreading branch, seized a liana each, and slid rapidly to the ground to find themselves skilfully noosed in a lasso and their arms tightly confined to their sides, the moment that their feet touched the earth.

When the squire had steered and encouraged the horse, whose snorting could be heard from the sheltered water, till he was just below the rocks, they lowered a noosed rope. This he fastened round the senseless man below his shoulders. One strong, careful pull, and he was safe on land; and soon was being borne up the steep zigzag on the shoulders of the willing crowd.

He set fire to his cabin, and, mounting the table, noosed his neck to a beam, drank a large quantity of poison, and, as he kicked over the table, simultaneously shot himself through the head and drew a razor across his throat. Later on the doctor had to fill in the usual certificate. At "Cause of Death" he paused, pondered, and at last wrote, "Causes too numerous to specify."

The back streets were thronged by a trembling, weeping people, who all eagerly made way for the pursuivant, as he called, "Make way, good people a pardon!" They saw the broader space of Cheapside. Horsemen in armour guarded it, but they too opened a passage for the pursuivant. There was to be seen above the people's heads a scaffold. A fire burnt on it the gallows and noosed rope hung above.