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In an age when the ship-of-the-line is already a thing of the past, and we can never again hope to go coasting in a cock-boat between the "wooden walls" of a squadron at anchor, there is perhaps no place on earth where the power and beauty of sea architecture can be so perfectly enjoyed as in this bay. Vixerunt nonnulli in agris, delectati re sua familiari.

Est autem et ibi ciuitas Landania, de qua nonnulli dicunt quod Noe illam fundauerat, et ciuitas magna Hany, in qua tempore Christianorum mille habebantur Ecclesiae. In illa Armenia sub Imperio Persiae est famosa ciuitas Tauris, vbi de mercimonijs ponderalibus fit inestimabilis mercatura.

Inde eo tempore moribundi erant plurimi, nonnulli mortui, paucique ex iis, qui frequenter coibant, ex omni aetate et sexu hujusce pestis formis omnino expertes erant. Apud indigenas morbus hic eodem fere modo quo apud Europaeos sese ostendere videtur variis tamen ex causis etiam magis odiosum, eo praesertim quod pustulae rotundae, magnitudinem fere uncialem habentes, simul in cute exsurgunt.

Likewise Augustine in his book against the Manichaeans: =The vanity of the gentiles is repressed and refuted by the use of their own authorities.= If the Sibyl or Orpheus or other soothsayers of the gentiles, XVI. quaest. I. sunt nonnulli. XXII. quaest. I. ut noveritis. I quaest. VII. convenientibus. XII. quaest. II questa. XVI. quaest. III. praesulum. XVI. quaest. I. cap. ult. XXVI. quaest.

"Huic autem vanitati nonnulli ex modernis summa levitate ita indulserunt, ut in primo capitulo Geneseos et in libro Job et aliis scripturis sacris, philosophiam naturalem fundare conati sint; inter vivos quaerentes mortua." Ibid. 65.

The entire document looks forward to a complete Rule to be drawn up and submitted to the Holy See at a future day, for which it actually furnished the outlines some twenty years afterwards. The approval of the Programme of a Rule by the Archbishop of New York gave the Fathers the canonical status anticipated by the decree Nuper nonnulli.

It is possible to advocate the introduction of Boccaccio's 'nonnulli sensus' and yet demand that, whatever the esoteric interpretation of which the poem may be capable, the outward expression shall be appropriate to the apparent condition of the speakers; while on the other hand it is possible to confine the meaning to the evident and unsophisticated sense of the poem, while allowing such a degree of idealization in the language and sentiments of the characters as to differentiate them widely from the actual rustics of real life.

Nonnulli etiam eorum in Graeco, aut Latino literati consueuerunt cum deuotione cordis id lectitare. Idem liber dicit Iudaeos perfidos fuisse, quod Iesu eis primum misso a Deo, et multa miracula facienti credere noluerunt, quodque per ipsum tota gens Iudaeorum fuit digne decepta, et merito illusa hoc modo.