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'But all hosses ain't like this mare. "'They are not, suh! says ole man Sanford. 'Noh were they intended to be! But few of us are ordained foh the heights. However, he says, puttin' his hand on my shoulder, 'Ah should not censure you too strongly, young man. In fohcing yoh hawsses to simulate qualities they do not possess, you are only a part of yoh times.

He strolled up the garden, with the dogs racing in front, to choose his bedroom, and came across his host unwillingly busy with hoe and spade in the potato patch. His whole aspect betokened such undisguised sufferance that Graeme could not repress a smile. "Like it?" he asked. "Noh!" "Sooner be at the fishing?"

Five crows mean someone's going to be sick. And which way did they go this time?" "Noh, noh! First it wass two, and when they had gone then it wass three more." "I see. And two black crows what might they mean now?" "Two crows they mean good luck." "Clever boy! Continue! Three black crows mean ?" "Three crows they mean a marrying, ouaie, Dame!" "Ah, a marrying! That's better!

There was a growling disputation in the boat. Then one spoke "See then, you, Gard! We will haff you yet, now we know where you are. If it takes effery man and effery boat in Sark, we will haff you, now we know where you are. You do not kill a Sark man like that and go free. Noh pardie!" "I have killed no man " A gun rang out in the boat, and the shot spatted on the rocks not a yard from him.

It was an excellent discursus on the drama from the time of the morality plays to the time of the Irish Players, and it included references to Euripides, Ibsen, the Noh plays of Japan, Mr. Masefield; but John felt, when he had read it, that most of it had been written before its author had seen his play.

Ka Kupli ka long ka wah na ki lúm baiong bad ka túid da artet ha ka wah Brahmaputra. Ka long ka púd ia ka ri Synteng bad ka ri. Hadem ha mihngi. Uno-uno u nongleit jingleit uba kwah ban jám ia kane ka wah Blei-Kupli u don kam ba'n bred noh ia la u kháw-ryneng ha shiliang wah, bad ia ki kynja jingbám baroh phar, te un sa klan ia ka.

Ka shu sngap noh bad ka ong "La don ja don jintah ne em" u ong, "la don," bad hamar kata ka por u leit kái noh.

On Sunday we are going again to the Noh Dance, or if no good tickets are to be had for that, we are going to a theater where women act all the parts to offset the usual way here of having only men in the company. The men who act women's parts here do make up very well. They live and dress and act as women all the time so as not to lose the art.

But the admiring plaudits were ringing in his ears, and he snarled out sharply, 'That is for me to decide. "'Noh! You play thot never again, shouted the CHEF, and the next moment he had flung himself violently upon the loathed being who had supplanted him in the world's esteem.

Did you see him yourself now?" "I've rid him! Yes! an' told him where to go," with a ghoulish nod. "Quite friendly with ghosts and things, eh?" "I don' mind 'em. I seen the ole lady up at the big house. Yes, an' talked to her too." "Clever boy! Put the evil eye on her?" "Noh, ee cann't." "Can't? Why, I thought you were a past master in all little matters of that kind."