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This was at first difficult, for all the materials were novel to her. Gradually, however, she fitted herself into the social transformation that was taking place. Heretofore, society had not existed. Now, vaguely, it was beginning to take coherence and form. A transition period was on. The "nobs" were evolving from chaos.

Twice before noon we were stalked and charged by man-eaters; but even though I was without firearms, I still had ample protection in Nobs, who evidently had learned something of Caspakian hunt rules under the tutelage of Du-seen or some other Galu, and of course a great deal more by experience.

Now our friend, the baron, again. No, better to leave. He has left his smile in the wings this time. He is very serious or perhaps very tired. Two times tonight to play. Too much too much. My hat, and I will walk out on his nobs. And, anyway, Huneker wrote the story long ago. About a piano player in Coney Island that he called what was it? Oh, yes, "A Chopin of the Gutter."

"I say, Jim," said a young genius of fourteen stretching himself upon the turf, "I pity them ere jarvies a sitting on their boxes all the night and waiting for the nobs what is dancing. They as no repose." "But they as porter," replied his friend, a sedater spirit with the advantage of an additional year or two of experience.

There are no great names in his vocabulary only nicknames: George III. is 'Old Nobs, the Regent 'Prinney, Wellington 'the Beau, Lord John Russell 'Pie and Thimble, Brougham, with whom he was on friendly terms, is sometimes 'Bruffam, sometimes 'Beelzebub, and sometimes 'Old Wickedshifts'; and Lord Durham, who once remarked that one could 'jog along on £40,000 a year, is 'King Jog. The latter was one of the great Whig potentates, and it was characteristic of Creevey that his scurrility should have been poured out with a special gusto over his own leaders.

Those eyes took me in slowly from head to foot; then they wandered slowly around the horizon marked by the rising and falling gunwales of the lifeboat. They looked at Nobs and softened, and then came back to me filled with questioning. "I I " I stammered, moving away and stumbling over the next thwart. The vision smiled wanly.

If he catches on, all right. I want him or you to get me collector of the port. You hear me? Collector of the port. His nobs, this collector we have now he must get out, I don't care how. But he must sherry. I can't fool with these sailors. If they see me trading with Lockwin they will swear I sell out. See? Well, I want to see Lockwin, just the same.

The tug came close beside us, and a man on deck threw us a rope. Willing hands dragged us to the deck, Nobs scrambling nimbly aboard without assistance. The rough men were gentle as mothers with the girl. Plying us both with questions they hustled her to the captain's cabin and me to the boiler-room.

He had washed his face very clean, and brushed his old jacket with trembling hands, and the bow-legged boy had tied a spotted scarf, that had been given to himself by a stableman in the mews opposite, round Jan's neck in what he called "a gent's knot," and the poor child went to seek his fate with a beating heart. There were nobs enough.

All the time the lifeboats has been pulling away from the danger of the sinking liner, and now, though I yelled at the top of my lungs, they either did not hear my appeals for help or else did not dare return to succor me. Nobs and I had gained some little distance from the ship when it rolled completely over and sank.