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While Shomolekae was at Pitsani there came into that part of Africa a new missionary, whose name was Mr. Wookey. It was decided that Mr. Wookey should go a long, long journey and settle down by the shores of Lake Ngami, which, you remember, David Livingstone had discovered long years before. Shomolekae wished to go out with Mr. Wookey into this country and to help.

The native name, for the people of Ujiji is Wayeiyé, the very same as the people on the Zouga, near Lake Ngami. They are probably an offshoot from Ujiji. There are underground stone houses in Kabiuré, in the range called Kakoma, which is near to our place of detention. 15th March, 1868.

Our Bakwain guide to the lake, Rachosi, told me that his mother lived in the country of Sebituane, but, though a good specimen of the Bechuanas, he laughed at the idea of going so far as from the Lake Ngami to the Chobe merely for the purpose of seeing her. Had he been one of the Makalaka, he never would have parted from her.

The salt dissolved in the water has by this means all been transferred to one pan in that direction, named Chuantsa; on it we see a cake of salt and lime an inch and a half thick. All the others have an efflorescence of lime and one of the nitrates only, and some are covered thickly with shells. These shells are identical with those of the mollusca of Lake Ngami and the Zouga.

Departure from Kolobeng, 1st June, 1849 Companions Our Route Abundance of Grass Serotli, a Fountain in the Desert Mode of digging Wells The Eland Animals of the Desert The Hyaena The Chief Sekomi Dangers The wandering Guide Cross Purposes Slow Progress Want of Water Capture of a Bushwoman The Salt-pan at Nchokotsa The Mirage Reach the River Zouga The Quakers of Africa Discovery of Lake Ngami, 1st August, 1849 Its Extent Small Depth of Water Position as the Reservoir of a great River System The Bamangwato and their Chief Desire to visit Sebituane, the Chief of the Makololo Refusal of Lechulatebe to furnish us with Guides Resolve to return to the Cape The Banks of the Zouga Pitfalls Trees of the District Elephants New Species of Antelope Fish in the Zouga.

When Lake Ngami was discovered I might have refused permission to a trader who accompanied us; but when he applied for leave to form part of our company, knowing that Mr.

Alfred Rider, an enterprising young artist who had come to make sketches of this country and of the lake immediately after its discovery, had died of fever before our arrival; but by the aid of medicines and such comforts as could be made by the only English lady who ever visited the lake, the others happily recovered. The unfinished drawing of Lake Ngami was made by Mr.

When we had gone up the bank of this beautiful river about ninety-six miles from the point where we first struck it, and understood that we were still a considerable distance from the Ngami, we left all the oxen and wagons, except Mr. Oswell's, which was the smallest, and one team, at Ngabisane, in the hope that they would be recruited for the home journey, while we made a push for the lake.

This expedition, which resulted in the discovery of Lake Ngami, set out from the missionary station at Kolobeng on the 1st of June, 1849. The way lay across the great Kalahari desert, seven hundred miles in breadth. This is a singular region. Though it has no running streams, and few and scanty wells, it abounds in animal and vegetable life.

This breed was found in abundance at Lake Ngami. We stopped at noon at one of the cattle-posts of Mokompa, and had a refreshing drink of milk. Men of his standing have usually several herds placed at different spots, and the owner visits each in turn, while his head-quarters are at his village. His son, a boy of ten, had charge of the establishment during his father's absence.