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My mother replied that if anybody could deserve her John, it was Lorna; but that she could not hold with the rashness of giving up money so easily; while her next-of-kin would be John himself, and who could tell what others, by the time she was one-and-twenty?

He was conscious of an atmosphere in that drab, sombre little room. Hawthwaite's glance at him as he entered was that of a man who bids another to prepare himself for news; Wellesley looked unusually stern and perplexed. "Dr. Wellesley got me to send for you, Mr. Brent," said the superintendent. "He's got something to tell which he thinks you, as next-of-kin to our late Mayor, ought to know."

I have a very great love for the place, and as far as I can see, you will be likely to have the same. "You need not feel overburdened with gratitude. You are my only near relation; and indeed I may say that if I were to die before I have signed my will, you would inherit all my fortune as next-of-kin. So you will see that instead of enriching you, I am to a great extent disinheriting you!

Moreover, he was quite young then. He remembered the youthful glee with which he had appointed his next-of-kin, whoever they might be, executors and trustees of the will. He remembered his cruel joy in picturing their disgust at being compelled to carry out the terms of such a will. Often, since, he had meant to destroy the will; but carelessly he had always omitted to do so.

But La Cibot extinguished the spark of distrust that gleamed in the lawyer's eyes by informing him that Elie Magus had returned from a journey, and that she would arrange for an interview in Pons' rooms and for the valuation of the property; for the day after to-morrow at latest. "Deal frankly with me," returned Fraisier. "It is more than probable that I shall act for M. Pons' next-of-kin.

'Arry had better keep his place awhile. I shouldn't wonder if I find work for him myself before long I've got plans, but I shan't talk about them just yet. He spoke then of the legal duties which fell upon him as next-of-kin, explaining the necessity of finding two sureties on taking out letters of administration. Mr. Yottle had offered himself for one; the other Richard hoped to find in Mr.

Everything will be his, no doubt; but the legatee cannot take possession without an authorization an order from the Tribunal. And if the next-of-kin set aside by the testator should dispute the order, a lawsuit is the result.

But La Cibot extinguished the spark of distrust that gleamed in the lawyer's eyes by informing him that Elie Magus had returned from a journey, and that she would arrange for an interview in Pons' rooms and for the valuation of the property; for the day after to-morrow at latest. "Deal frankly with me," returned Fraisier. "It is more than probable that I shall act for M. Pons' next-of-kin.

He died, as men must, and well, his genuine pictures did not fetch more than two hundred thousand francs! You must let me see these gentlemen. Now for the next-of-kin," and Fraisier again relapsed into his attitude of listener. When President Camusot's name came up, he nodded with a grimace which riveted Mme. Cibot's attention.

For the next-of-kin would never rest until either Parrawhite came to light, or it was satisfactorily established that he was dead and if search begun to be made in Barford, where might not that search end? Unmoved? cool? if Eldrick had turned back, he would have found that Pratt had suddenly given way to a fit of nerves. But that soon passed, and Pratt began to think.