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Eh, I 'ad to get vexed wi' him soomtimes he would have 't ye know, as 'twere him as were th' owdest, an' he'd get up, when th' folks had called for me eh, I could scarce stand it!" "He'll be soom mad," cried our Tom, chuckling. "Nay, thou munnot mak' game o' th' poor owd chap's misfortun'," said his father with a tolerant air as he handed the empty basin to Annie.

"'Tim, she'd say, 'this is on'y th' skoo' an we're th' scholars, an' He's teachin' us his way We munnot be loike th' children o' Israel i' th' Wilderness, an' turn away fro' th' cross 'cause o' th' Sarpent. We munnot say, "Theer's a snake:" we mun say, "Theer's th' Cross, an' th' Lord gi' it to us."

There was still left to her the warmth of a bosom in which long years before Amanda had gently stirred, and from which she had drawn her first currents of life; and once more the mother clasped her girl, and pressed her lips on the sin-stained face. 'Durnd kiss me, mother, cried the affrighted girl, stepping back; 'durnd kiss me. Thaa munnot dirty thy lips wi' touchin' mine.

But I niver see thee now but on Sabbath day, and rarely then. Still we munnot speak o' such things on t' Lord's day. So thee mun just say how t' shop is doing, and then we'll leave such vain talk. 'T' shop is doing main an' well, thank ye, mother. But Coulson could tell yo' o' that any day. 'I'd a deal rayther hear fra' thee, Philip.

Dickon stood quite still and put his hand on Mary almost as if they had suddenly found themselves laughing in a church. "We munnot stir," he whispered in broad Yorkshire. "We munnot scarce breathe. I knowed he was mate-huntin' when I seed him last. It's Ben Weatherstaff's robin. He's buildin' his nest. He'll stay here if us don't fight him."

A'd ha' liked to ha' set her agait wi' a 'sponsible lodger afore a'd ha' left, for she's just so soft-hearted, any scamp may put upon her if he nobbut gets houd on her blind side. 'Can I help her? said Sylvia, in her eager way. 'I should be so glad; and I've a deal of money by me 'Nay, my lass, said Kester, 'thou munnot go off so fast; it were just what I were feared on i' tellin' thee.

"I'm going to see them," cried Colin. "I am going to see them!" "Aye, that tha' mun," said Mary quite seriously. "An' tha' munnot lose no time about it."

And the next moment Master Potts was seen pushing his way through the crowd. "So you have found a witch, my masters. I heard your shouts, and hurried on as fast as I could. Just in time, Master Nicholas just in time," he added, rubbing his hands gleefully. "Lemme go, Simon," besought Nance. "Neaw, neaw, lass, that munnot be," rejoined Sparshot.

With a bound or two Matt cleared the stairway and stood by the side of Miriam. There she lay, poor girl! limp and exhausted, wrapped in her old gown like a mummy, her long, wet hair, which was scattered in tresses on the pillow, throwing, in its dark frame, her face into still greater pallor. 'Thaa munnot speak, Miriam, said the nurse in a low tone. 'If thaa moves tha'll dee.

But I niver see thee now but on Sabbath day, and rarely then. Still we munnot speak o' such things on t' Lord's day. So thee mun just say how t' shop is doing, and then we'll leave such vain talk. 'T' shop is doing main an' well, thank ye, mother. But Coulson could tell yo' o' that any day. 'I'd a deal rayther hear fra' thee, Philip.