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I told him to go about his business; that he was a man of words and had no heart, otherwise he would continue with us to Mourzuk. I wished to discourage such acts of desertion, for they produce always a bad effect. My German companions seemed glad to get rid of him. This was our first day of sand.

Hiddee is the slave whom the Bashaw has been quizzing so severely about the mighty armies of his master. A number of women are now occupied opposite to us in white-washing or white-claying the Guard-house, this chef-d'œuvre of Mourzuk architecture. The women alone do this work, and as their privilege. There are about thirty of them so occupied, under the command of a queen white-washer.

In various places is scattered a great quantity of the common black volcanic shingle, and which, indeed, covers a fifth of The Sahara I have traversed. Essnousee tells me this stone contains iron, for so, reported our countrymen of the two former expeditions in Fezzan. The Turks of Mourzuk assert the same thing, though not very great authorities in geology.

Two or three days of gheblee succeeded unpleasant weather to be out in the desert. I found it bad enough at Mourzuk 100° in the shade at four o'clock in the afternoon. Hateetah was reported to be on the road; so I determined to wait five or six days for him, and thus not deviate from my original plan.

They arrived with a caravan from Mourzuk, and we were some time detained by the necessity of allowing them and their beasts to rest before recommencing their march over the very arduous country that lies between this and the confines of Fezzan. Our progress will necessarily be slow, as all travelling is in the desert. Camels can rarely exceed three miles an hour, and often make but two.

They refused to conduct us to the frontier of Aheer, according to their agreement at Mourzuk. 4th. They demanded seventy reals for the passage of our free blacks. 5th. They insisted on having the presents for Berka, Khanouhen, and Jabour, before the treaty was signed. The first two demands I successfully resisted, as also the third at Ghât.

Reflections on the Slave Trade; Christian Republicans, and the Scottish Free Kirk. Well of Mukni. El-Bab. She-Camels with Foals. How American Consuls justify Slavery. Arrival at Sebhah, and description of the People. Cruelty of a Moorish Boy to the young Female Slaves. Prohibited Food in matters of Religion. The Taste of a Locust. Anecdotes related by the Bashaw of Mourzuk and Mr. Gagliuffi.

Nothing was given in return for the milk, for we had nothing to give. But if offered it would not have been accepted, by the laws of hospitality amongst these desert Arcadians. The reason now assigned for not giving us a kid, is, all the men are absent, and they cannot part with one, even if money be sent from Mourzuk for payment. About 3 P.M., to my great joy, we arrived at the village of Agath.

Mustapha Bey, who took a very affectionate leave of me, is now engaged in examining a tremendous case of peculation something like a defalcation of two thousand mahboubs. He is quite bewildered for the time. The Greek doctor came to see us off; but we started in a little confusion, for Mr. Yusuf Moknee was drunk, as he was nearly all the time of our stay at Mourzuk.

Gagliuffi also volunteered a diplomatic hit of another kind on his own account: "My friend, your Excellency, on entering the gates of Mourzuk, and looking up at the Castle, thought he was entering a town of the dead, it looked so horribly dingy and desolate." I said to the Consul afterwards, "Why did you say so?"