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The Civil War in Tripoli, and Usurpation of its Government by the Turks. The Tyrant Asker Ali. Skirmish of Hasan Belazee with the Town of Omm-Errâneb, and the Oulad Suleiman. Retreat of the Oulad Suleiman to Bornou, and their Marauding Character. My departure from Mourzuk with the Slave-Caravan of Haj Essnousee. Establishment of British Consuls in The Great Desert and Central Africa.

Mourzuk is emphatically called, like many places of Africa, Blad Elhemah ‮بلاد الحمة‬ "country of fever."

This, whilst lessening perhaps the comparative value of what we have given, at any rate lays the chief under some obligations to the Turks, and assists in making up a good round sum in payment for the trouble of coming all the way from Ghât to Mourzuk to escort us. By the way, Mr. Boro of Aghadez has been fetched back from his encampment at Tesaoua by a man on horseback.

Dates are not only the principal growth of the Fezzan oases, but the main subsistence of their inhabitants. All live on dates; men, women and children, horses, asses and camels, and sheep, fowls and dogs. Mr. Gagliuffi gives the following statistics of the slave-traffic viâ Mourzuk from Bornou and Soudan: In 1843 2,200 In 1844 1,200 In 1845 1,100 Total, 4,500

By this craggy gorge the plateau above-mentioned is entered, and it is frequently by such gorges, which seem to be the buttresses of the plateaus, that the elevated Saharan plains are approached. About noon we met a reinforcement of Arab cavalry on the way to Mourzuk, to intercept the son of Abd-El-Geleel, in the event of his returning during the spring to Egypt or the Syrtis.

They are mounted on camels, and it requires them forty days to make the traverse from Mourzuk to Bornou. I tired the courier pretty well with dictating to me the route. It is extremely difficult to get an African to sit down quietly and attentively an hour, and give you information. If ever so well paid, they show the greatest impatience. Afterwards paid a visit to the young Circassian officer.

The greater portion of our sandy journey was unnecessary, and merely undertaken that these gentlemen might have an opportunity of visiting their wives and families. On a retrospective view of the route from Tripoli to Mourzuk, viâ Mizdah, I am inclined to divide the country, for convenience sake, into a series of zones, or regions. 1st zone.

The sandy soil of the gardens is sometimes mixed with a large quantity of salt, which gives it a firm consistence. Of this soil the houses of the city are built. Rain would melt them; but this blessing never cools the scorching atmosphere of Mourzuk.

The Adjutant-Major has 30 dollars per mensem; the Doctor 25 dollars; and so on of the rest, the commanding officer having perhaps 50 dollars per mensem. This amount of pay is considered sufficient for expenses at Mourzuk. The officers have quarters with the Bashaw in the Castle. Mr.

This may be; but it will require the passage of many Christians before the tendency to fanaticism is sufficiently curbed to render the road safe for them. I mentioned in my diary at Mourzuk, that one of our blacks had exercised the privilege of divorce with respect to his wife. This lady did not leave the caravan, but has since passed from tent to tent, as the caprice of fortune carried her.