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Then she burned up the will in my favor and made a new one, giving all her money to the church." "How unjust," commented Mrs. Morison, "and how human. Did you never make peace with her?" "Yes, but of course I was careful that she should understand that I didn't do it for the sake of her money. She told my mother that she had made a new will in my favor, but it never turned up.

Quoted by Vambéry, supra. Vambéry, "An Approach between Moslems and Buddhists," Nineteenth Century and After, April, 1912. Vambéry, "An Approach between Moslems and Buddhists," Nineteenth Century and After, April, 1912. Special cable to the New York Times, dated Rome, May 28, 1919. Sir T. Morison, "England and Islam," Nineteenth Century and After, July, 1919.

Thornton spoke to her, close at her elbow: 'I could see you were on our side in our discussion at dinner, were you not, Miss Hale? 'Certainly. But then I know so little about it. I was surprised, however, to find from what Mr. Horsfall said, that there were others who thought in so diametrically opposite a manner, as the Mr. Morison he spoke about. He cannot be a gentleman is he?

Morison, asserts and proves that this sceptical age is the most moral the world has seen, and that as we go back into the Ages of Faith, vice and crime grow denser and darker. If the appeal is to history, of which Mr. Watkinson's references do not betray a profound knowledge, the verdict will be dead against him. Mr.

"I found a rival, and that I never could endure. You'll have your temptation with you." It seemed to Maurice when he came to take his seat in the parlor car that his cousin was little short of a witch. In the chair next to his own sat Berenice Morison. She greeted him with a friendly nod and smile. "Mrs.

At last the visitors arrived. There were three men and two women the wives of the two older men. The youngest member of the party was Hon. Morison Baynes, a young man of considerable wealth who, having exhausted all the possibilities for pleasure offered by the capitals of Europe, had gladly seized upon this opportunity to turn to another continent for excitement and adventure.

Clarence Poe, "What the Orient can Teach Us," World's Work, July, 1911. Morison, op. cit., p. 242. Brailsford, op. cit., pp. 83, 114-115. Regarding conditions in China, especially the extraordinary discipline and working ability of the Chinaman, see my Rising Tide of Colour against White World-Supremacy, pp. 28-30, 243-251. Métin, op. cit., p. 337.

"Isn't it a beautiful day?" She started at his salutation, but instantly recognized him. "Good morning," she responded. "I didn't expect to find anybody I knew in this part of the town." "It isn't one where young ladies as a rule walk for pleasure, I suppose," Maurice said, falling into step, and walking beside her. "I am very sure that I don't," Miss Morison replied with a toss of her head.

With change of name to the Royal Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, and under the successive command of Lieut.-Colonel Morison of Naughton , Colonel J. Anstruther Thomson of Charlton , and Colonel W. Wemyss the Regiment continued to flourish, receiving in 1814 the year which saw the close of the war the thanks of both Houses of Parliament for its services.

"You were really talking with them, then?" cried the Hon. Morison. "You understood them and they understood you?" "Certainly." "But they are hideous creatures degraded beasts of a lower order. How could you speak the language of beasts?" "They are not hideous, and they are not degraded," replied Meriem. "Friends are never that.