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Updated: August 28, 2024

The soldiers of the guard, who had heard of the honours which had so swiftly come upon the young man, rose and respectfully saluted their chief. And Sholto, though he had been silent when the sharp tongue of the mirth-loving maid tormented him, found speech readily enough now. "I thank you," he said, acknowledging their salutations. "We have known each other before.

Why steals from my bosom the sigh? Why fixed is my gaze on the ground? Come, give me my pipe, and I'll try To banish my cares with the sound. Erewhile were its notes of accord With the smile of the flow'r-footed Muse; Ah! why by its master implored Shou'd it now the gay carrol refuse? 'Twas taught by LAVINIA'S sweet smile, In the mirth-loving chorus to join: Ah, me! how unweeting the while!

I have a painful sense of the ludicrous, and you have taken unfair advantage of it. I am usually better and happier for going to our simple little meeting, but now I can think of the whole hour only with pain. I think I am as mirth-loving as the majority of my age, and perhaps more so. I say truly that my heart is very light and happy. But, Mr.

Exhausted as she was, mirth-loving Kitty was moved to a smile as she listened to Gulian's labored sentences, in which he endeavored to convince his listener and himself that what he considered almost a crime against the King's majesty permitting the escape of a rebel spy was, so far as Betty was concerned, a meritorious act.

Only the pen of some mirth-loving, rose-crowned Greek bard could adequately describe the dazzling, wild beauty and fantastic grace of those whirling fairy forms, that now inspired to a bacchante-like ardor, urged one another to fresh speed with brief soft cries of musical rapture!

That evening he found Colette sitting before an open fire in the library, her slender little feet crossed before the glowing blaze. She was in a gentle, musing mood, but at his entrance she instantly rallied to her old mirth-loving spirit. "I have made Amarilly's acquaintance," he said. "She is coming to church next Sunday." "A convert already!

But the next moment the earl had caught the intended joke, and although a trifle concerned about the affair, was of too mirth-loving a nature to interfere with Tom's project, the result of which would doubtless be highly satisfactory at least to those not primarily concerned.

How swiftly glided the mirth-loving nights as the enchanting strains of the prima donna hushed we adjourned to thy ever to be praised bottegua! With what precision didst thou there mete out the many varied ingredients the exact relative proportions which can alone embody our conception of the nectar of the Gods, punch a la Romaine!

Marching cautiously by night and generally hiding by day, he came to the outskirts of the little village on the evening of July 4, and lay in the woods near by until after nightfall. Fortune favored him. That evening the officers of the garrison had given a great ball to the mirth-loving Creoles, and almost the entire population of the village had gathered in the fort, where the dance was held.

The deed is in perfect accordance with the whole course pursued by the miserable men who perpetrated it. The author of Hudibras unjustly we hope not maliciously in his witty doggerel, ascribes this transaction of the miscreants at Weymouth to the Pilgrims at Plymouth. The mirth-loving satirist seemed to rejoice at the chance of directing a shaft against the Puritans.

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