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However, she had heard so much about Bob from Dotty, that she was not surprised when the merry-faced boy appeared at her bedside with a gay and cheery greeting. "I'm Bob," he said, holding out his hand, and not waiting for his mother's more formal introduction. "I'm Dolly," and the blue eyes smiled at him as a little white hand clasped his own.

A moment more and she was surrounded by Geraldine Macy, Irma Linton and Susan Atwell, who had come forth in a body from the long, palm-decorated parlor off the hall to welcome her, accompanied by a singularly handsome youth, a very tall, merry-faced young man and a black-haired, blue-eyed lad, with clean cut, sensitive features.

'What a good-looking, merry-faced chap he is! observed Arthur, when the red nightcap had been pulled off in an obeisance of adieu, as they went to seek for the others, and witness their disforesting operations. 'French Canadians are generally the personifications of good humour and liveliness, returned Argent; 'the pleasantest possible servants and the best voyagers.

Surrounded by a welcoming trio of white-gowned girls, Jane Allen clung affectionately to them. All along the station platform, bevies of merry-faced, daintily dressed young women were engaged in the joyful occupation of greeting classmates who had arrived on the four o'clock train.

As I sat talking, my thoughts ran back to that torn photograph. To me it seemed as though some previous visitor that day had sat upon the couch, destroyed the picture, and cast it where I had found it. But for what reason? Who was the merry-faced girl whose picture had aroused such jealousy or revenge?

Meantime, the various club-members smoked, drank their beer, and talked together quite unrestrained. They all wore their hats, except when they went up to Friar Bacon's table. The merry-faced little man offered his beer, with a natural good-fellowship, both to the Dreary one and Philosewers. Both partook of it with thanks. "Seven o'clock!" said Friar Bacon.

By five in the morning all were astir, and jokes and laughter and shrill unaccountable cries would rouse us up, and go on all day, save when school and chapel came to sober them. 'The Bishop had not lost his Eton tastes, and only liked to see them play games, and the little fat merry-faced lads were always on the look-out for a bit of fun with him.

Then "George," a merry-faced, broad-chested native of Anaa, in the Paumotu Islands, after an inquiring glance at me, broke out into a bastard Samoan-Tokelauan canoe song, with a swinging chorus, altering and improvising as he sang, showing his white teeth, as every now and then he smiled at Yorke and myself when making some humorous play upon the words of the original song, praising the former for his skill and bravery, and his killing of the man-eating savages of New Hanover, his great strength and stature, and his kindly heart "a heart which groweth from his loins upwards to his throat."

The next day but one, Ben was out by the wood-pile, trying to break up some kindlings for Polly who was washing up the dishes, and otherwise preparing for the delights of baking day. "Hulloa!" said a voice bethought he knew. He turned around to see the merry-faced boy, and the big, black dog who immediately began to wag his tail as if willing to recognize him.

'That's a melancholy tale, said the merry-faced gentleman, emptying his glass. 'It is a tale of life, and life is made up of such sorrows, returned the other, courteously, but in a grave and sad tone of voice. 'There are shades in all good pictures, but there are lights too, if we choose to contemplate them, said the gentleman with the merry face.