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"I withdraw my insinuation," said Traquair gravely. "I thank you," said Mr. McTavish. "I am glad, sir," said Traquair presently, "to find you in so generous a disposition, for we have need of your generosity. I have it from Miss McTavish herself," he went on gravely, "that your ancestor, so far as you know, was Colland McTavish." "So far as I know and believe," said McTavish, "he was."

I had been sent from Black Fort, of which my elder brother Alick had charge, with Sandy McTavish, an old follower of our father's, and two other men, to bring up ammunition and other stores as a winter supply from Fort Ross, about 150 miles off a distance, however, of which we did not think much.

J. P. Thornton and Jock McPherson ushered on one side of the church, Lawyer Ed and Captain McTavish on the other, a very fitting arrangement, which mingled the old and the new schools. Only Lawyer Ed could never be kept in his own place, but ran all over the church and ushered wheresoever he pleased.

Between the huge brown boles of the redwoods woodwardia grew riotously, while through the great branches of these sentinels of the ages the sunlight filtered. Against the prevailing twilight of the surrounding forest it descended like a halo, and where it struck the ground John Cardigan paused. "McTavish," he said, "she died this morning."

"I ain't wanting this to get out on me, that I come sneaking back here to have you teach me the silly game." "Mon, mon!" protested the hurt McTavish. "So why can't Buck here come up and teach me in private? There's open space back of the stables." "Ye cud do wor-r-rse," said John. "And yer-r-r full hour-r-'s lesson now will be two dollar-r-rs."

Then coffee, still with her natural Old World charm of the grande dame. Such guests were not many, nor came often. There was McTavish of Rupert's House, a three days' journey to the northeast; Rand of Fort Albany, a week's travel to the northwest; Mault of Fort George, ten days beyond either, all grizzled in the Company's service.

"Where is your own meeserable conscience, Traquair?" "My dear," cried the little man, "it is storming my reason." "There," said she, "I told you so. And now we are both of one mind, you shall present these tidings to McTavish together with my compliments." "First," said Traquair cautiously, "I'll bide a bit on the thought."

We'll keel-haul him next, if that doesn't bring him into order." Here the passengers interfered. Mr McTavish declared that he would not stand by and let me be unjustly punished. "If it were not for young Cheveley, where should we be by this time, Captain Longfleet?" he asked. "You know as well as we do what was intended. If your mate attempts to touch him, he must take the consequences."

And do you Alberta people realise that right here in your own province the big Bassano Dam made possible by a tiny stream taken from the Bow River furnishes irrigation power for over a million acres? Perhaps that will do about the water." "Oo aye," said McTavish, with profound resignation in his voice. "Ye'll dae wi' that." "And snow," cried the speaker.

"I'll swear this isn't the first time I've seen that black mug of yours, my man! But it wasn't in St. John's an' it wasn't aboard any ship." Dick Lynch was of the same way of thinking, for he recognized this young man as the officer from the Durham Castle, who had commanded the party that had been left behind by Captain McTavish to guard the wreck of that good ship.