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Updated: August 5, 2024

Elle fut absente sans que nous eussions de ses nouvelles pendant au-dela d'un mois quand un jour le facteur apporte une lettre a mon pere de la part d'un collegue inconnu d'un village de la Prusse, qui lui dit: "Une femme de respectable apparence, munie de certificats identifiant ses dires, est venue me prier de proceder a l'humation de son mari qu'elle a trouve mort dans un bois du village voisin.

Julien La Brierre, of New Orleans, who was numbered among the missing. And they brought dead Adele back, up shadowy river windings, over linked brightnesses of lake and lakelet, through many a green glimmering bayou, to the Creole city, and laid her to rest somewhere in the old Saint-Louis Cemetery. And upon the tablet recording her name were also graven the words Aussi a la memoire de son mari;

Across this limited space Italy has transported about 200,000 troops, with the loss of but two transports, the Mari Chiaro and the Umberto, both of which were small. A good part of the Serbian and Montenegrin armies were carried to places where they might recuperate, and a considerable force of her own troops landed on the coast of Albania.

't ain't 's if Mari' Durrant was a girl o' twenty-five; she's a smart capable creatur', says I, 'an''" "I guess I've got an old dress I can let you have." Maria Durrant, with crimson cheeks and a beating heart, rose suddenly and escaped to the back stairway.

It is only three miles from the sea, and is situated upon the great River Rhone, which flows through the whole land of Provence. Here dwells the illustrious R. Abba Mari, son of the late R. Isaac; he is the bailiff of Count Raymond .

Elle le regarda, l'examina et reconnut son mari; il lui parut evident qu'il faisait son retour vers la patrie et elle, mais que la mort l'avait surpris en route. Catherine fut bien plus calme apres ces evenements, mais ses forces declinerent et dans la meme annee on creusa pour elle une tombe au cimetiere de Hambach.

Lowther, and there I did pull the others off and put them on, elle being peu shy, but do speak con mighty kindness to me that she would desire me pour su mari if it were to be done..... Here staid a little at Sir W. Pen's, who was gone to bed, it being about eleven at night, and so I home to bed. 11th. Up, and to my office, where alone all the morning.

"What did you say?" sharply and haughtily returned Lady Isabel. "Nay, I did not mean to offend you," was the answer, for he knew that she heard his words distinctly in spite of her question. "I spoke of Monsieur votre mari." In talking over a bygone misfortune, we sometimes make the remark, or hear it made to us, "Circumstances worked against it."

He looked like an aged grasshopper of some strange human variety. Behind this pair was a short, impatient, little person, who kept the captain's house, and gave it what Mrs. Todd and others believed to be no proper sort of care. She was usually called "that Mari' Harris" in subdued conversation between intimates, but they treated her with anxious civility when they met her face to face.

I danced twice, but I am unable to tell you whether I looked well or danced well; for you are the only person in the world who says any thing to me about my appearance. Mari generally looks pleased, but rarely makes remarks.

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