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Because these men were able to realise their organising power in the absence of economic organisation, it does not follow that they will be fanatical for a continuing looseness and freedom of property. The phase of economic liberty ends itself, as Marx long ago pointed out. The American business world becomes more and more a managed world with fewer and fewer wild possibilities of succeeding.

"I wasn't no better, Pete me and my brothers." In her emotion she had dropped back into the old looseness of speech. He seized her hand in both his own and crushed it to his lips so that it hurt pleasurably. "I know why yuh stole them horses," he murmured. "Yuh cudn't bear to see the Sergeant thinkin' he loved yuh an' yuh knew he cudn't love a rustler."

At any rate he would have been quite justified in doing so. But when he asserts, with a show of logical precision, but in reality with great looseness, that "it is preposterous to assert that there is no god because he cannot be such as we think him to be," he is using language for which no precise meaning can be found.

At present how few there are, either professional or unprofessional, who really know at all whether any sick person they may be with is better or worse. The vagueness and looseness of the information one receives in answer to that much abused question, "Is he better?" would be ludicrous, if it were not painful. I cannot tell how he was when I was not with him."

There are, however, a few points concerning it worth bearing in mind. The practical conclusions to be drawn from these facts are that looseness of the bowels during teething is not a desirable occurrence to be promoted, as some mistakenly imagine, but a risk to be by all means avoided, and I may add, when it does take place, far less easy to control than constipation is to remedy.

To him it meant something more than mere evasion of state laws and frauds on the state revenue. The subject fell into line with his reflections upon the looseness of the bonds that held the States together, and how unlikely it was that they would ever grow into a respectable or prosperous nation while their present relations continued.

I must confess a strong liking for the Russian individual, and I have hardly known a Russian whom I did not take to, in spite of a looseness in matters of veracity in which they are so unlike the Anglo-Saxon in general.

It was characteristic of the looseness of our family discipline at this time that nobody was seriously interested in our visits to Morgan Chapel. Our time was our own, after school duties and household tasks were done. Joseph sold newspapers after school; I swept and washed dishes; Dora minded the baby. For the rest, we amused ourselves as best we could.

A truly pretty state of affairs for a gun the value of which depends on the ease with which it can be pointed in any direction. Inquiry after the war at the factory where the guns are made disclosed the fact that these parts are rigidly tested by a gauge by the Government inspectors, and that looseness is regarded as a fatal defect.

You would be adored there you would have every luxury we'd travel and ride and explore we'd have a glorious life!" He had caught her hands again, and stood towering over her, intoxicated with his own tinsel phrases; almost sincere; a splendid physical presence, save for the slight thickening of face and form, the looseness of the lips, the absence of all freshness in the eyes.