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With the last pair, however, there had been a return to the earlier ceremonious manner-Telesphore ... Alma Rose. "When the boys get back we are going to make land," the father had promised. And, with the help of Edwige Legare, their hired man, they set about the task. In the Province of Quebec there is much uncertainty in the spelling and the use of names.

What makes you so like her? It's not the face so much, though the family likeness runs strong, still, the face is different, though like It's just you yourself well, I'm sure I don't know, seems to me there's a lot of things hid from us. Look at the Pringles, Anthony's family, the ones that live in Tradd Street. If you put their noses together, they'd reach to Legare Street. It runs in the family.

Esdras and Legare took ax in hand and felled for three days; the trunks were piled, awaiting another fall of snow when they could be loaded on the big wood-sleigh. All through October, frosty and rainy days came alternately, and meanwhile the woods were putting on a dress of unearthly loveliness.

Michael's dead to slumber in peace, and walked for an hour on the Battery, and in Legare Street, where life is brightest in the old city. All good Charlestonians think that after the final resurrection there may be a new heaven and a new earth for others, but for themselves a house in Legare Street or on the Battery.

They set themselves to cutting and uprooting the alders, gathering a sheaf of branches in the hand and severing them with the ax, or sometimes digging the earth away about the roots and tearing up the whole bush together. The alders disposed of, there remained the stumps. Legare and Esdras attacked the smaller ones with no weapons but their axes and stout wooden Prizes.

"So do I, and I hear something else too! Was that the sound of hoofs?" John turned in sudden alarm to Legaré, who heard also and stiffened at once to attention. They were not alone on the road. The rapid beat of hoofs came, and around a corner galloped a mass of Uhlans, helmets and lances glittering. Picard with a shout of warning fired his rifle into the thick of them.

"The stumps are hard to get out." at length said the elder Chapdelaine, "the roots have not rotted in the earth so much as I should have imagined. I calculate that we shall not be through for three weeks." He glanced questioningly at Legare who gravely confirmed him. "Three weeks ... Yes, confound it! That is what I think too."

To show that the above indication of the savage state is not an index of individual feeling, but of 'public opinion, it is sufficient to say, that it appears to be a standing advertisement in the Charleston Mercury, the leading political paper of South Carolina, the organ of the Honorables John C. Calhoun, Robert Barnwell Rhett, Hugh S. Legare, and others regarded as the elite of her statesmen and literati.

On their way they stopped at the Rue du Bains and took the surgeon who had been engaged to attend them. Dr. Legare was a young graduate who had just commenced practice, and was eager for the fray. He came into the carriage, bringing a rather ostentatious looking case of instruments and roll of bandages. On being introduced by the second, he bowed to the duke and took his seat.

"Resolved, That a committee of seven be raised to carry the foregoing resolution into effect." The resolution having been carried, the following gentlemen were appointed to father Mr. Calhoun's paper: James Gregg, D.L. Wardlaw, Hugh S. Legaré, Arthur P. Hayne, William C. Preston, William Elliott, and R. Barnwell Smith. The duty of this committee consisted in causing a copy of Mr.