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"I am not a party in the matter at all, young ladies," exclaimed Herbert Rutherford, who now entered with Phillip Lawson, looking as handsome as a prince with his large dark eyes and brilliant brunette skin, with the least possible tinge of ruddy carmine exquisitely blended. "Don't tell me that women can't keep a secret after this," cried Josie, rocking to and fro in paroxysms of laughter.

We cannot so much as pretend, when people remark on his visits, that he has come ever since we remember, and is as familiar with us as we are with ourselves. No doubt, in a little town like this, everybody who has the least claim to be a gentleman or a lady, knows every other gentleman or lady after a fashion. But naturally father and mother were not intimate with the late Mr. and Mrs.

It must be remembered that in 1846 little or nothing was known of spine complaints such as that from which Elizabeth Barrett suffered, less still of the nervous conditions they create, and least of all of hysterical phenomena. In our day she would have been ordered air and sunlight and activity, and all the things the mere idea of which chilled the Barretts with terror.

"My wretchedness is undeserved," she said, "but not even a king can alleviate it." "Let me, at least, attempt to do so. In what can I assist you?" She shook her head sadly. "If King Frederick, the son of Frederick William the First, does not know, then I do not." "You are poor, perhaps in want?"

The benefits of political harmony are obvious to the least intelligent classes. Harmony is, as it were, the poetry of order, and order is a matter of vital importance to the working population. And what is order, reduced to its simplest expression, but the agreement of things among themselves unity, in short?

Our memories are quite fresh about Bianca and her sorrows, because an accommodating tourist, who had Mrs. Ady's "Beatrice d'Este" with her, has loaned it to us for reading in the evenings at least for as much time as we can afford to spend in-doors when the out-door world is so beguiling. August 12th.

After reading the order General Bliss called to mind that when the first division went away many doubted if it would be followed by another for at least a year. "But," he added, "you have created and organized and trained here on the soil of France an American army of between two and two and a half million men. You have created the agencies for its reception, its transportation and supply.

"A rotary press, my little Frantz, rotary and dodecagonal, capable of printing a pattern in twelve to fifteen colors at a single turn of the wheel red on pink, dark green on light green, without the least running together or absorption, without a line lapping over its neighbor, without any danger of one shade destroying or overshadowing another. Do you understand that, little brother?

"We were so hypnotized by the charming picture you made for us we couldn't move, that's all." "I told you there weren't any more biscuits," said Betty decidedly. "Goodness, I'm glad somebody else has a bad reputation besides me," said Grace languidly. "At least you don't have anything to live up to." "How is the shoulder this morning?" Mrs. Irving inquired of Allen.

And though I well know that it matters not a cummin-seed whether my bones are washed to and fro on the bed of the sea or my ashes cast to the winds of heaven, yet I humour this fancy, and find a quiet pleasure in the thought that death at least may end this isolation.